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"I'm telling you, he was full on making out with her. Tongue and everything!" I tell Brooke and Amanda as we head back to my house.

"Are you sure it was him? I mean it could've been anyone."

"Brooke, it was definitely him."

"This doesn't make sense," Amanda comments, "I saw the way he was looking at you, I was sure he liked you."

"Well, I guess you thought wrong. "

Brooke and Amanda looked at me with that 'we feel bad' look and puppy dog eyes.

"Guys, I'm fine. I just met him, it's not like we are attached at the hip and I had to watch. He's not my boyfriend."

"Yea, not yet." I heard Amanda whisper to Brooke.

"Okay, can you please just let it go. That's the first time I've ever spoken to him. It's not like I've known him for years."

"Okayyyy whatever you sayyy." Brooke replies in a sing-songy voice


I wake up the next morning and immediately check my phone.
3 text messages from Liam

What happened to you last night? -Liam

Zayn said you totally blew him off. Something about Harry Styles? -Liam

Oh I know. You totally hooked up with him didn't you! Come over and tell me all about it. -Liam

Omg nothing happened but I'm still coming over. -Alexa

I quickly get into my bathing suit, knowing that we'll go swimming, and head down to Liam's house.

I walk through the gate, and there he is, floating in the pool. I walk over and hop in.

"So what'd I miss last night after I ditched?" I ask, wanting to know all of the drama

"Nothing much." He replies with a smirk.

"Liam, what did you do?"

"Well, I'm a little surprised you don't know yet, but after you girls left, Amanda ended up coming back and we kinda hooked up."

"Oh my god you didn't."

He just replies with a smirk and a weak nod.

"It better not be weird now. You cannot ruin this friendship."

" It's fine, I'm gonna talk to her later about it. But enough about me, why'd you bail last night. It totally looked like you were hitting it off with Harry."

"I thought so, but after Zayn tried to get in my pants, I saw him making out with another girl, so. . ."

"Well that sucks, but you should talk to him, he seemed really into you."

"I'll talk to him, but can we talk about something else, he's starting to give me a headache."


After a while of hanging at Liam's, I called the girls and we decided to go to the pool. Looking around, I saw a group of people that were at the party last night. We walked over to Liam, who was with Niall (his best friend), Louis (Brooke's sort of boyfriend. They were extremely complicated), and Harry.

Brooke and Amanda went to sit down, and I went to get waters for everyone. When I walked back to the table, I looked around, and the only seat open was, of course, right next to Harry. I sat down and he flashed me a smile that made me weak. His big green eyes, anyone could get lost in them. He placed his hand on my thigh under the table, and my stomach flipped.

We sat around talking for a few hours until Niall suggested that we all walk to town. I gathered my things as we all left the pool and headed towards the little town. Louis and Brooke walked ahead, and Amanda, Liam, and Niall all walked along together, leaving me and Harry in the back.

After a few minutes of silence between us, he said, "so why'd you leave early last night, I was really looking forward to hanging out with you."

"Oh really," I replied, "I thought you were having too much fun in that girls mouth, so I left."

"Woah woah woah, you were the one who snuck off into the woods with Zayn."

"Hey, don't go accusing me of things that never happened. I didn't do anything with Zayn, we were just talking."

"Okay, sure you were."

And with that, he slipped his hand in mind, and kept on walking.


Thank you all so much for reading, I really am excited about this story!

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