Chapter 49

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Chapter 49 - Caspar POV

As soon as we saw Maddy and Joe, I could tell the atmosphere was tense. We said hello, exchanged hugs and kisses then walked to Brick Lane. Me and Joe walked infront whilst Maddy and Gaby were a bit behind.

'I'm surprised you haven't superglued yourself to Maddy so she doesn't get kidnapped or something.'

'Oh shut up Caspar!'

'Serious though, is everything alright with you two?' Joe sighed.

'I don't even know. Last night I invited her to VidCon right and I said I'd pay for her but then we had an argument and she was saying like do you think I can't afford it and stuff like that but then I apologised and she said she was sorry so I was like sorry for what and she said thinking we'd go together as a couple.'

'Did she sleep in your bed last night?'

'Yes but she didn't cuddle up to me and talk to me like she normally does. She just slept facing the other way and stayed quiet.'

'Did she say why she didn't think you'd be good together?'

'Not really, we didn't really talk after that. I asked her why and she was just like look at us, been together for a few hours and we're already arguing blah blah.'

'It probably doesn't help that you're together all the time like since you first met, 2 weeks ago, I know there hasn't been a time where you haven't been together or talked for hours. When I'm with Gaby for so long, we start arguing as well.'

'I'm going to be with like 24/7 for the next few weeks whilst she's off school. I know when she goes back to London with Zoe and Alfie, I'll just miss her so much. Like I don't want to get used to being with her all the time because then I'll start relying on her and putting my life into her and then she'll be gone and I won't know what to do with myself.'

'You know what mate, I'm so glad you can see that. Most people don't notice until it's too late and they're gone.'

'Caspar, Joe?' Me and Joe turned around to see Gaby and Maddy.

'What's up Gabs?'

'Can me and Maddy pop into this shop?'

'Yeah, we'll come with you.' Me and Joe followed them into some vintage shop. The girls stopped to look at something, Joe put his arms around Maddy's waist from behind. She leant her head back and pouted. Her kissed her lips. I almost felt jealous, if I did that to Gaby then she would pull away and laugh.

Maddy continued chatting away with Gaby as Joe hugged her from behind. I suddenly felt like a third wheel, even though I had a girlfriend?

I stood in the corner of the shop and kept myself to myself. I watched the girls and Joe look at 'antiques'. Joe gave me a glance every now and then.

'Can I help you sir?' I looked up and saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. She was very slim but curvy in all the right places. Her hair colour was dark blonde and she had minimum makeup on.

'Erm er no, no thank you.' I spat out. Her work shirt showed off just the right amount of cleavage. It was a fine line between classy and slutty.

'You sure?'

'Let me take you for a drink, tomorrow night.' I wanted to slap myself for saying that, I have a girlfriend!

'Well, ok then! He's my number.' She reached into her bra and pulled out a bit of paper. Her number was already written on it. I took it, she pouted, winked then walked off. I looked round the shop to check Gaby wasn't watching, what even just happened?

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