Chapter 3

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"Now, who is that?" Klaus said from behind me and before I knew it I heard a scream from inside the house. I look behind me to see that Klaus was gone. I felt Elijah's mind criticizing his brother for being so impulsive. I ran up to the house using only my human speed rather than my vampire speed.

"Klaus, you step away from them" I yelled as I saw Klaus standing over Alex. Jepsy was in the corner with a look of horror. I knew she hadn't ever seen any of the originals but she has heard the stories that was told about them. Everyone has.

"My darling, Irene, I was just introducing myself to your friend," he spoke as he took a step back.

"I will give you Erikah's grimoire on the condition you leave this town and everybody that lives here in peace," I told Klaus stepping in between him and Alex.

"See, Elijah, a little push and you get what you want." Klaus said stepping back, smirking as I stood in front of Alex.  I walked up the stairs and turned right into the master bedroom, I grabbed the grimoire and rushed back downstairs. Klaus's eye widen when he saw it took only a few minutes to grab the grimoire.

I reluctantly handed over the grimoire but not before muttering a spell that hid the real pages of the grimoire. I couldn't let just anyone see all the spells I have created.

As soon as Elijah grabbed the book I was pushed up against the wall by Klaus. His hand around my throat, anger over his entire face.

"No one threatens me" he growled before everything went black.


"Niklaus, did you really have to kill her" I asked him as the witch girl dropped put of his hands. She was just trying to protect her family. It was brave and honorable.

"I don't do well with being threaten, Elijah. Besides, we got what we needed." Klaus replied opening Erikah's grimoire. I notice that the two vampires that were here had made their way out of the house. It was good news on their part because I'm not sure how my brother would act anymore.

"AHHHH" he shouted as he threw the grimoire across the room busting a hole in the wall. He then proceeded to start destroy things close to him.

"Brother, watch your temper." I told him as I walked over and pick up the book. I opened it and saw the pages were blank.

"Ah, you were too quick. You are too impulsive, Niklaus." I told him as I walked over to him. Smart girl, she must have spelled it.

"My child is hanging in the matter, Elijah. I will not have people think they can control me. I would do anything to save her." He growled out as he rushed out of the house. I roll my eyes as I followed him. We will figure out a way to save Hayley and his child. Family is most important.


I awoke with the sun streaming into my eyes. I looked around to see where I was and I realized I was at my house. The events that had happened last rushed into my head as I rubbed my neck.

Klaus really tried to kill me. I stood up and stretched and tried to see if they happen to leave the grimoire but it was no where to be found. I focused and listen to see if I could feel Elijah's head.

I was only getting bits and pieces but from what I gathered they are in New Orleans trying to find someone who can break that spell on the grimoire. I doubt they will find anyone who knew anything about ancient magic. They were also worried about our mother, Esther, killing some baby. A baby that was special to Klaus.

They needed help.

I rush to the house and saw Alex sitting on the roof. He jumped down and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm glad you are okay. Is Jepsy? I asked looking towards the house. I see Kalvin staring at me from the window. "Are they mad?" I pointed

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that you need to keep this family safe. I can't believe you are related to them." Alex told me. He sounded just like his father.

A binding pain started in the back of my head and crawled around to my forehead. I dropped on my knees and groaned.

"Erikah, what's happening?" Alex asked me as he kneeled next to me. The pain was torture as I felt Elijah gripping with the pain the same as I. Something was happening to him. My brother.

I have to save him, Elijah. He was my family. I push the pain into a hole in my mind and trapped it there.

"Nothing. Stay put." I told him as I rushed off to my house. I grab my emergency bag and went to the basement where my salt circle was. I kept one ready for emergencies. Sometimes I had to travel far and fast, this was the best way. I kneeled in the middle of the circle and took a deep breathe.

"Symud i mi, yn dod â fi iddo. Dewch i mi fy mrawd, hynafiaid." I repeated and repeated before I felt myself pull and than I felt the intense heat.

I open my eyes to see that I was in front of a a compound with M's on the pillar. I also saw what could be described as a "family feud" going down. Elijah was gasping on the ground while an older lady stood. She had long blonde hair and magic was flowing from her fingertips. I could feel the buzz in the air. That's when I saw Klaus standing in front a girl, protecting her.

I step to the side and I pushed my magic out of my finger tips. I started to create an invisible barrier around the whole compound, like the one earlier that stop the sound, but this one made magic unable to penetrate the barrier. As soon as the barrier was up and complete Elijah's pain stopped.

Elijah looked around confused until he saw me. I walked over to him and stepped in front of him. I push my barrier to become stronger transforming not only as a magic barrier but one that wouldn't let anyone in unless I said so.

I look towards to women who was hurting Elijah and saw someone that looked familiar. I knew in an instance that it was our mother.

The Other Mikaelson: An Erikah Mikaelson NovelWhere stories live. Discover now