Notes: Human Au!
[Warning: Just a bit of swearing]
(Y/n)'s POV
I lay in the hospital bed, completely high off my ass on morphine. Why was I in hospital? Oh yeah. I had to get surgery done. I can't exactly remember what was getting taken out."Bab bab bab bab..." I was making noises without thought. "Miss (Y/n)? You have some friends that want to see you." Said the nurse. "Ah! My fellow nations! Send them in! We have to discuss our battle plans!" I exclaimed, my voice slurring slightly. The nurse surpressed a small laugh and nodded. Soon my friends piled into the room. "Hey (Y/n). How are you feeling?" Asked Yao. "I am freaking wonderful, Yao-Yao." I sang. "Yao-Yao." Snickered Alfred. "Shut up!" Yelled Yao. "Soooooo I have called you all for a meeting on how we shall defeat our enemy!" I slurred. "And who is our enemy?" Asked Ivan. "THE PICTO'S!" I exclaimed loudly. "What are the picto's?" Asked Arthur. "Aliens that have come to kiiiill us. You'd know this if you'd read today's notes you English Bastard." I Scolded. Arthur stared in shock as Francis and Alfred began to laugh. "Ooh! Do they like pasta?" Asked Feliciano. "Why I think they do Feliiiiii." I slurred. "Paaaastaaa is a rare delicacy for them. Art and colour is rare tooooo." "Then make a deal of peace and they can have pasta, art and colour." Sighed Ludwig just following along with my morphine induced story. "Now that! That's what I'm talking about! Why can't you guys think of great ideas like Luddy! Whyyyyyy!" I exclaimed. "Because they haven't been raised with the help from the awesome me!" Exclaimed Gilbert. "No. You just got lucky." I Deadpanned. "Hey!"
"Lovinooooooo!" I squealed reaching for the Italian. Antonio pushed him over to the bed despite his grumbling. "What is it?" He asked disinterested. "You're soooooo cuuuuuuute." I slurred. "Yep. You're high." Muttered Lovino. I giggled as I clapped my hands almost like a toddler. I saw Kiku holding a camera. "Kiku! Kiku! Kiku! Hiiiiii!" I squealed waving at him. "Hello (Y/n)-san." He greeted, while videoing me. "Where's Lizzy?" I asked suddenly.
"She's outside. Shall I get her?" Said Francis. I squealed and nodded. He chuckled and brought Elizabeta in. "Lizzy!" I squealed. "Hey (Y/n)." Chuckled Elizabeta. I grinned drunk like. "Lizzy! I loooooooove you!" I sang. She squeaked and covered her face in surprise. "You're so cuuuute." I cooed. "Well thank you." She chuckled. "We're gonna get maaaaaaaried!" I sang. "Are we?" She giggled. "Yes! We'll get married at the chapel!" I slurred. "Mmh I don't think I like the chapel." Teased Elizabeta. "Then we shall get married on a beach!" I exclaimed. "Sure." She laughed. "I love you Liz." I slurred. "Aw man Kiku are you getting this?" Giggled Elizabeta. "Hai." "Huh?" I mumbled. "It's nothing." She said. I grinned. "You're so beautiful." I slurred as I gazed at her. She giggled.
Time Skip
I sighed as I finally got out of hospital. "Glad to be gone from that place." I sighed leaning back into the car seat. "Thanks for taking me home Ludwig." I said. "It's fine." Said Ludwig. "Hey guys, I didn't say anything weird while being on morphine, did I?" I asked. Gilbert snickered as Feliciano giggled. "No." Snickered Gilbert. I narrowed my eyes and glared at the Albino in the back. "Gilbert...." I warned. "You called us to a meeting to defeat aliens, called Yao 'Yao-Yao', called Arthur an English bastard, confessed your love to Elizabeta and proposed to her." Said Gilbert laughing. "I did what?!" I screeched. Ludwig jumped and pushed the break in surprise. He swore in German as we slammed to a stop. Thankfully we were the only ones on the road. "Sorry Ludwig." I choked out in my shock. "It's fine. It's fine." He sighed as he began to drive again. I stared out the car. "What exactly did I say?" I squeaked. "Kiku may have taken a video of the whole thing and Alfred posted it online." Said Feliciano, handing me his phone to show me the video. I stared in shock as my face turned red.Gilbert started snickering and I flipped around to see him videoing me with his phone. My eyes narrowed at him. "Gilbert!" I yelled. Gilbert laughed. I quickly handed Feliciano, his phone back. "Gilbert I swear to god..." I warned. He grinned. "Guess what's going online!" He sang. "Not before I smash your fucking phone!" I yelled as I tried to pounce at him. Gilbert screeched and laughed as he moved his phone to keep filming but so I wouldn't get it. I turned the rest of my body in the car seat and knelt on it as I reached for Gilbert who sat behind where Ludwig sat. "You're not even trying!" Teased Gilbert. I growled. "Oh yeah?!" I yelled. Feliciano laughed loudly as he watched us. I climbed in my seat and tried to climb over to Gilbert the best I could. Ludwig sighed at the commotion. "Be careful Ragazza!" Feliciano called over the loud laughing of Gilbert before giggling. I grumbled. "Fuck it. Ludwig, make sure the police doesn't see me!" I yelled as I took my seat belt off. "Wait- (Y/n)!! Get your seat belt back on!" Yelled Ludwig. "Not until I smash Gil's phone!" I yelled back as I climbed over to the back. Gilbert screeched as I reached for his phone. He tried to keep filming but I simply stood over him with one hand leaning on the back of Gilbert's seat and reached for his phone. He kept moving it about to make sure I didn't grab it. I soon grabbed it had a tug of war over it. "Gilbert! Give it!" "Nein! I'm not letting you smash my awesome phone or delete the video!" We argued loudly. "Eek! The Police!" Squeaked Feliciano as he saw the police. "Shit. Look legal!" Hissed Ludwig at us. Gilbert snatched his phone and pushed me down. I squeaked as I knelt, hidden by the back of Ludwig's seat and Gilbert's seat. My face flushed red as I glared up at Gilbert from his legs. He snickered quietly. He pointed the camera at me. "Guess I'm sending this to everyone." He snickered. My eyes widened as he sent the video to all our friends. I couldn't stop him or the Police would have seen me. "You're so dead." I growled. He chuckled.

Hetalia X Reader Oneshots [Requests Are Closed]
FanfictionThese are Hetalia Oneshots! Requests Are: [Closed] (For now!) {NSFW/Smut is allowed.} (Note: Please bear in mind that I'm an amateur writer and I don't know every single character like some others.) [Warning: There is mature language, mature themes...