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"What do you eat?" Stefan asked.

"Brussels Sprouts and onions. I'm a vampire. What does it look like I eat?"

"Stefan drinks animal blood."

"That must be...terrible." I said gagging.

"If your a vampire and if everything is heightened, does that make you a powerful seer." Elena added from behind me.

I turned around, and took a few steps towards her. "I am the only seer." I confessed smiling.

"What?" Damon said with his jaw dropped.

"Mother was a seer. When she died the bloodline was cut off. As a vampire I cannot have more children. I am the only seer." I explained.

"How come we never knew about this in 1864?" Stefan asked. I could see memories of our mother flooding back to them.

"I didn't even know in 1864." I said as everyone got quiet. I empathized, my arrival must have been some surprise. "I'm still hungry." I said running out the door. Damon and Stefan blocked the door.

"If your gonna stay here, we should set some ground rules." Damon said as Stefan agreed.

"Ok, how about you let me pass and not be total dicks?" I said trying to move them aside. They didn't budge. "I didn't want to do this." I said punching Damon to the ground, and twisting Stefan's arm.

"How are you so strong?"

"I'm not. It's called the element of surprise, Kol taught me that."

Damon's POV

"I hate surprises." I groaned. "Shouldn't we go after her? Make sure she doesn't kill the mayor?"

"Let her go." Stefan said. "Even father couldn't control her, and she's powerful."

"She turned it off." Elena cutted in.

"I'm going after her." I said getting up."She has the originals wrapped around her finger. Either she's clueless about the cure, or she's going after it, herself."

"I want to talk to Kol." Stefan added.

"He'll kill you." I advised.

"He might be able to turn her humanity back on. I want my sister back, Damon."

"Funny, you didn't feel that way in 1864."

"What are you implying,Damon."

"She needed the good brother. I tried helping her. She needed you." I snapped.

"Don't start." Elena said getting in between us. For the first time in a long time, Elena's we'll being wasn't my main concern.

"I'm going." I said taking my jacket and leaving. My hearing lead me to a parking lot. She had her nails clenched into the back of a startled jock. She was drinking fast, ruthlessly from the vein. I pulled her back. "Easy there." I said smiling.

"Did you kill Kol?" She asked me after I touched her shoulder.

"Twice" I replied with a proud smile.

"I hope you know that if I wasn't biologically related to you, I'd kill you." She whispered into my ear.

"Turn it back on" I demanded.

"Why?" She asked.

"This isn't you." I replied.

"No, it's not. And your not you, and Stefan's not himself. Vampirism changes us. Be a little more optimistic , Damon. Frankly, I think I'm better this way."

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"Actually Diana, you haven't changed much since mother died. Your still cold and hostile. Now your just a little less insecure, and more violent. I guess violence is an easy way to release all that anger you've bottled up." I said smiling.

She made her typical angry face, and bit back into the jocks neck, draining him of blood. She released him when she was sure he was dead and wiped the blood off her mouth.

"You don't know me Damon, and I don't know you, so why don't we get to know each other over a bit better, over a drink?" She said running up to a sweaty Tyler Lockwood. I couldn't stop her, she was too fast. Once she laid her hands on him though, she stepped back."Hybrid." She said stopping in her tracks.

"Vampire." He said rolling his eyes and growling.

"Back off, Lockwood." I said stepping in.

"I can fend for myself, Damon." She said angrily.

"Who the hell are you, anyway?" Tyler added.

"None of your business, wolf boy." She snapped.

"Whatever." He said walking away.

"Calm down, all powerful little seer sister." I said smiling.

Stefan POV.

After many Adam Sandler movies, I understood teenage girls. Actually no, no I didn't. Nobody did, but if I learned anything it was to give them space. Kol was in the original house being...original. I knocked twice. Luckily, Kol answered so I didn't have to put up with any original crap.

"Hello Stefan, just the man I wanted to talk to." He said oddly polite.

"Stay away from my sister." I simply said. "She dosent need someone like you in her life."

I begun walking away, when Kol said something that was much worse than a stake to the heart."Shame. I was just going to ask for your blessing."

"My blessing for what?"

"Well, you are the reasonable brother.I'm going to ask you for your blessing to marry her."

"No your not." I said erasing the image of my sister in a white dress kissing him.

"I'm not proposing to you, Stefan. Consider how lonely she is."

"She has me and Damon"

"She had you and Damon.believe me, I've heard the sob story in 1864. She's been waiting for me, for over a century, she wants this."

"It won't work. She turned it off"

"She did turn it off last night..." Kol muttered, as I gagged in disgust. "With everyone trying to find a cure, that will potentially wake up Silas, and will arise enemies that will come after both of us, and a weapon that could actually kill me, I'd like to married to the one I love."

"Do you love her?" A voice said from the woods, it was a Elena. She must have followed me from the house.

"Yes. Yes I do." He said smiling.

"She's 16." I claimed. This was Diana they were speaking about, my little sister, Diana.

"She's been 16 for 149 years, Stefan. Blessing or not, I will propose, because that's what love does to people, it makes them love, and we fight for love."

As if three wasn't enough, Klaus decided to join the party. "We'll isn't this a pleasant surprise."

"Klaus, I must speak to you." Kol said welcoming klaus in,and closing the door behind him.

Klaus's POV.

"What is it, Kol?" I asked sitting back on a leather recliner.

"I'm going to propose to Diana Salvatore." He said just as Rebekah walked in.

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