Vania's POV
I left the dining room without any problems, since the demons were all too busy making fun of each other. They're all so...cute! At the moment that's all I can say to describe their interaction. It was just really adorable since they kept poking fun at each other.
To be honest, I know I shouldn't be wandering around the palace by myself, especially since I don't know my way around. But any chance to get away from the demons was worth it! They make me feel too many things that I don't exactly want to feel. Like seriously, my body is still humming from their touch. Like, c'mon! It's ridiculous how hot these guys are. I passed by a window and something caught my eye, so I stopped to take a look.
What I saw took me by surprise. Hell did not look anything like it was described when I was alive. However I did read a lot of other mythology that describes Hell just as the land of the dead, with nothing else. Outside, everything looked so...normal! It is really weird that I don't see people in torment, but I'm very glad that I don't see it happening. I'm pretty squeamish.
It just totally fascinates me that Hell is so...peaceful, really.
I hadn't noticed that anyone was next to me until they spoke.
"It's not how you imagined, is it?"
I nearly jumped out of my skin when the person spoke. I held a hand to my chest and turned to the direction that I heard the voice from.
Lucifer just smirked at me. I gave him a glare. He moved closer and trapped me between the wall and his body. I pressed myself tighter to the wall, not wanting him to touch me, since it's never good when he touches me.
"You know, it's not polite to sneak away from the table when you haven't been excused."
"Hmph. It's not like anyone was paying any attention to me anyway."
"Oh, but that's where you are wrong. I was paying attention," he grinned down at me.
He all but pressed me tighter against the wall and leaned down so that he was a hair breadth's away from my lips. He held a twinkle in his eyes as he looked at me. My breath hitched because I knew that look. I may not have spent a lot of time with him, but I have picked up on certain things just from the time that I have spent with him.
"What a naughty, naughty girl, you've been," he whispered, huskily. "I think you need to be punished."
I blushed so hard when I heard him say that. He saw my reaction and smirked.
" denial," he mused. "You must actually want to be punished."
I only blushed harder, but I did shake my head no.
Why am I not trying to get out of his hold right now?
When that thought flew through my mind, I immediately struggled in his arms. Lucifer just chuckled at me, knowing what I was thinking.
"Took you long enough."
I glared at him then.
"Just get off of me!" I growled. "Or I might have to kick you where the sun don't shine."
He quickly moved off of me and took a step back. I smirked at his reaction and crossed my arms.
"Aw. Such a god boy for listening!" I joked.
I chuckled as he huffed at me. I turned back around to look out the window and admire the view. However, I noticed something odd. It looked like there was a person with wings...angel wings!
"Hey Lucifer..." I called out to him. He turned away from his sulking to acknowledge me, and raised his eyebrow. "Is it normal for someone here to have...angel wings?"
He then just gave me a look that said 'no, wtf, this is Hell."
I just shrugged and pointed to where I saw the person with the wings. He moved next to me, looked out the windows and cursed. He then snapped his fingers and the next thing I knew, Mammon was standing in front of us.
"You summoned me, my liege?" he responded with a bow, not missing a beat.
"I did," Lucifer quipped. "We have a...guest. I want you to go retrieve them and wait for me in the meeting room."
"Of course, my liege," Mammon complied and disappeared in an instant, leaving behind wisps of smoke.
I blinked and blinked again. I will never get used to that.
"Vania," Lucifer called, gaining my attention.
I looked toward him, noticing that he had a smirk on his face for some reason.
I have a bad feeling about this. I began to inch away from him. He noticed and took a step towards me, I bolted, which was pretty stupid of me. I didn't even know where I was running to! I just know that I didn't like the look nor the smirk he had on his face. While I was musing, I didn't notice my surroundings and ran into a wall, or at least, what I thought was a wall. In reality, I ran into someone and they were sturdy since I bounced off and almost fell to the ground if the person hadn't caught me and pulled me to their chest, effectively trapping me in their arms.
"Tsk. Tsk. Where are you off to in such a hurry?"
I struggled, but looked up, recognizing the voice. I groaned and dropped my head. Of course it would be him who caught me.
Belphegor just chuckled at my response. His chuckle rumbled through him and I blushed since I could feel it.
From somewhere in the distance, well more like around the corner, we both could hear Lucifer calling me.
"Oh, Vania, sweetheart," Lucifer singsonged. "It's not nice to run away from someone who wants to play with you."
I heard and felt Belphegor chuckle once again. I looked at him and he turned to look down at me.
"Ah. Now I see why you are running," he smirked.
Lucifer then turned the corner and saw me. He smiled an evil, little, triumphant smile.
"Aha! There you are, come let's...."
He then noticed that I wasn't alone and frowned. He glared at Belphegor. Belphegor only chuckled at his expression.
"Bel...let her go," Lucifer demanded, crossing his arms.
"Ah, but my liege, you've already had your fun with dear Vania.'s my turn," Belphegor informed.
We immediately disappeared from Lucifer's sight and noticed I was outside. I looked around and could see the castle in the distance. I looked at Belphegor with a confused expression.
"What are we doing out here?" I asked him.
Since I was still in his arms, he pulled me closer to him as he brought his head down. His face was very close to mine and I blushed at the proximity, seeing him smirk proudly. He didn't reply to me, just moved closer still, until his lips were nearly on mine. My heart was pounding at his proximity. I could smell him and he smelled divine! I nearly melted when I felt his lips brush mine. I gasped because it was so light of a touch and I wanted more. When he heard me gasp, he smirked and swooped down and sealed his lips over mine. Not expecting the contact, I gasped in surprise and he took advantage of it.