Tatia's pov
Me and Cole walk in together we were 30 minutes early and people were just starting to get here
"Cole, Tatia.... mom wants you guys up front with the rest of the family" Julie says taking mine and Coles hands
Bree was sitting next to Brent holding his hand
My sister and her family were sitting in the pew behind Bree and Brent
The rest of the first pew was empty and I'm guessing that's where me and Cole would sit
Xavier sits down next to Brent and somehow I know I'm going to end up between Cole and Xavier
The casket was open and I made the mistake of peeking inside before sitting down
He looked the same... he was still Jeremiah just different
He was still but I wish he wasn't... I hope he would sit up and offer to take me to the bar for a drink like Jeremiah would
I walk up to the casket by myself and I touch Jeremiah's hand
"I love you Jere.... I thank you for raising me and making me the person I am today... and giving me the three best friends any girl could ever wish for" I whisper and let go of his hand
I wipe a tear off my cheek before turning around and sitting down between Xavier and Cole
Lilly and Julie sit on the other side of Cole and everyone takes their seat
The pastor stands at the podium and starts the funeral
Cole grasps my left hand and Xavier takes my right
Lilly stands to talk and my heart hurts and tears burn behind my eyes but I don't let them fall
"Thank you all for coming Jere would have loved to see us all gathered here for him.... he always did love a good party" Lilly starts
The crowd laughs including me and the boys
"I have a letter here from Jere... labeled "for my funeral" so I'm gonna read it" she says
Lilly pulls out a letter and unfolds it
"If you are reading this, I am no longer walking the earth. None of you should worry when you pull out that old shot glass you will remember me." She reads
This sparks laughter
"To my sons, take care of your mother and your sister. They may say they don't need you but they will don't let them fool you. Also Tatia may not be my biological daughter but I loved her the same as you boys and she loved me too. You did it T you're a big shot nurse and you are everything me and Lilly and your mother and father would have ever wanted for you. Good job monkey." Lilly reads
My heart is ripped out and thrown on the floor and shattered into a million pieces
Hot salty tears stream down my face
Xavier pulls me into his chest and I feel Cole let go of my hand
I grip Xavier hard and his arms wrap around me
I cry silently
"To my children, I know that your mother will take care of you just fine. But you also need to watch out for each other. Yes this means beating up your sisters boyfriends when they hurt her. Also making sure your brothers don't fall in love with evil nasty girls. Protect each other and never turn your back on each other." Lilly says
I return to my upright position and wipe my face
I grab Coles hand again along with Xavier's
"To my friends, thanks for being there for me and my family through out our lives. A guy could not ask for a better group of people. Now I will open the floor for anyone who wants to say beautiful things about me because I know you all want to" Lilly finishes with a small tear streaking down her face as she sits down

Expect the unexpected
Teen FictionTatia (aka Tia) is 25 and she has received terrible news. The boys she grew up with and then moved away from have lost their father Jeremiah. Their father and her fathers best friend, who would always predict that one of his sons would marry Tia. Ti...