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Jessica had a few visitors throughout the day; all were so happy to have her back. Even her boss had visited and he told her that when she was ready, she would have her job waiting for her. She thanked him, but it would be a very long time before she was ready to go back to work.

Also, Sam and Danny spent a few hours with Jessica. Danny broke down instantly once he saw the state Jessica was in. They had been through so much together; since high school they were the best of friends. He hugged her tightly and didn't want to let go.
Of course, Sam and Danny were shocked to find out about Liam. They spent time carrying him and getting to know their new nephew.

Some time during the day, two police officers came into Jessica's room so they could ask her more questions about everything that Evan had put her through and what happened on the day of her rescue.

Sarah held her hand throughout the entire process while everyone went to wait in the waiting room. Sarah sobbed right along with Jessica. She couldn't believe someone would be so cruel to put anyone through something like that.

Jessica had to take a few breaks in while giving her statement. She was very graphic in explaining everything that was done to her. Sarah's stomach churned as she listened but she kept herself together; she wanted to be strong for Jessica.

After Jessica had finished telling them all about what happened, Sarah finally got to know what happened to Evan.

"So...what happened to...to Evan?" Jessica asked. "I vaguely remember hearing...a gun shot."
One of the officers nodded his and said. "Yes, Mr. Peters resisted arrest. He fought us and reached for another officers gun. We had no choice but to shoot. He was pronounced dead on arrival."

Jessica looked down and hung her head; she was sad and she was angry. Evan wasn't going to pay for what he did to her and to the many other women he has hurt. They weren't going to get any justice. She thought that how that was a cowardly way to go; she was left feeling...numb.

Jessica told the officers she was tired and wanted to rest. They finished up their business then excused themselves so Jessica could rest.

Once they were gone, Jessica laid down and turned to her side. Sarah laid beside her and wrapped her in her arms. Jessica held onto one of Sarah's hands and closed her eyes.

She didn't want to think about anything at the moment, so without saying a word, she kissed Sarah's hand and drifted off to sleep.
Sarah heard Jessica's gentle breathing and kissed the side of her head.
"I love you Jessica. I love you with all my heart." Sarah too closed her eyes and before she fell asleep she whispered. "I'm sorry."

A few days later, Jessica was finally released to go home. During Jessica's time in the hospital, Sarah, with the help of Catharine, Danny and Sam, worked on getting a nursery ready for Liam. Sarah picked the room that she and Jessica had chosen to be the nursery when they had spoken of having another baby.

They all worked tirelessly to get the room ready before Jessica and Liam came home. Sarah couldn't wait to see Jessica's reaction. Also, she had bought all the essentials that Liam would need. They would worry about getting him more things later on.

Jessica was quiet on the way home; she was very nervous for some reason. In a way, it felt so foreign to her to be outside and not locked away inside a house twenty four hours a day.

When they pulled into the drive way, a smile spread across Jessica's face. Sarah parked the car then opened the door for her. She then walked to the backseat and unbuckled Liam from his car seat. She lifted him into her arms and turned her attention to Jessica. She was going to help her as well but Isabelle ran to help Jessica get down from the car. Isabelle had a huge smile on her face as she held onto Jessica's hand.

Isabelle knew to take her time since Jessica still was sore and in a bit of pain still from her beating Evan had given her. Jessica made her way carefully to the front door then walked into her home.

Jessica smiled and burst into tears when she saw Danny, Sam, Catharine and a few of their friends, in the living room. There was a huge banner that hung behind them and it said Welcome Home Jessica!

Jessica cried tears of joy as she went around the room and was greeted by everyone. Sam helped Jessica sit down on the sofa then Sarah placed Liam in her arms.

Everyone visited for a while then slowly, people started to leave as to not overwhelm her. All that were left was Sam and Danny. They wanted to see Jessica's reaction to the nursery.

Sam took Liam from Jessica and they all followed Sarah as she led Jessica to the room.

"What's going on?" Jessica asked as they stood in front of the door.
"Well, my mom, Sam and Danny worked really hard to get this room ready for Liam." Sarah said with a smile.
"What?" Jessica said.
Sarah chuckled then reached for the door and opened it. "Surprise!" They all said in unison.

Jessica gasped as tears sprang instantly in her eyes. She looked around the room and let the tears fall. "Awe! You guys! Thank you so much!"
The nursery had a jungle theme; colors of blue, white and brown was the color scheme.

Jessica hugged everyone then took Liam in her arms and said. "Look Liam! This is your room."
Liam took in his surroundings and smiled as he waved his hands around.
Jessica giggled and said. "We are home baby boy! We are home."

The next few days were a struggle for Jessica; even though she was grateful and happy to be home with her family, she had begun to feel as if she was from a different planet.

Jessica would become anxious when Sarah would suggest that they go outside or go out on a family outing. She wouldn't want to go so Sarah would end up making their meals at home or going out and bringing back takeout.

She didn't even want to go out for her appointments with the therapist Sarah had found.

Jessica also wouldn't let Isabelle or Liam out of her sight; only when Isabelle went to school she would give in. Her nerves would just be at a all time high until Isabelle came back home.
Also, Jessica had begun having nightmares about Evan and of all the horrible things he has done to her.

One night, Sarah had tried to be intimate with Jessica but Jessica panicked and had a full blown breakdown. That breakdown was brought on by Jessica keeping everything she was feeling bottled in and when Sarah tried to be with Jessica intimately, it was the final straw.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Jessica repeated as Sarah held her in her arms, tears streaming down Jessica's cheeks.
Sarah rocked Jessica back and forth as if she were a small child. "Shhhh...it's okay. There's nothing to be sorry for." Sarah said gently. "I've got you. Just let it all out."

After a while, Sarah was able to calm Jessica down. Jessica laid back on the bed and then laid her head on Sarah's chest.

"Jess..." Sarah began. "We have to get you to see Dr. Bates. You need to see her so you can get better. I hate seeing you like this."
Jessica sniffled and nodded. "I know...I know I need to...I just...." she said. "Will you help me please? Help me get to her office?"
"Of course! I'll call in the morning and see if she can squeeze you in the afternoon." Sarah said. "Now, let's try to get some sleep."

Jessica held on to Sarah a bit tighter and finally felt safe in Sarah's arms. Jessica thought she could be as strong as she was while being captive by Evan but now that she was home she realized Evan had taken so much from her. If she didn't get the help she needed soon, she knew she would lose so much more than what she had already lost.

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