Dear Reader,
Well life landed me here in Satan's Playground. This is no good for me at all. Why did end up I here? Like what did I do so bad to end up here? To have my life like this?! What did I fucking do?!?!?!? Like I was a happy ass kid till life became a living hell!! Name one fucking thing and I will say "Good point" But you know what if you don't I'mma be like this fucking explaining my fucking in a form of a god damn letter!!! Like this is my history, for you.I was born december 19 2003 at 12:00am. My Mother was Alice Bella Cloud , My "Father" Albert Lee Cloud. Then there is me Commit Classified Cloud. We where what you can call a normal family. But then when I was 6 My mother passed away from lung cancer she had it for a year in a half. Oh my world turned for the worst. Albert started doing drugs and started to neglect and abuse me. Life was shit and is still shit. I used to live in Venice Italy, But then we moved when I was 7 to the U.S. I didn't know english. I left all my friends with no good reason. Sometimes I wish I died with Alice.
Then when I was 8 or so I was diagnose with " schizophrenia". Cause I swear to you when ever I slept, or even stop thinking, or zoned out I saw my Mother. I panicked and people called me names like. "Freak", "Crazy", and more stuff in that category. I didn't make any friends cause no one could understand me till 5 grade. At this point I didn't bother talking to anyone. I was like 'What's the fucking point!?'. But hey I still got straight A's! I think people are to attach to their phones. They be playing on it in class. Dumb asses.
Through out my whole life I wore the same shit. A blood Red hoodie that is to big for me with a skin tight red long sleeve shirt under it, A pair of black shorts that go down to like mid-thigh, Black and red Converse. My hair has been in it's pony tail. I usually smack people with my curls. Then I have these weird eyes, and a strange curl on the side of mt head! God did you just hate me that much? That you made me like this? Or maybe satan made me.
Now I'm here writing letters in a weird Italians home. How did I come to this? I really don't know any more. Someone please send me a side God, Give me some hope here, Something to live For!! I mean for Fuck sake do! I have nothing to do in my life! FUCKING SAVE ME! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE! I'M ONLY 12! PLEASE! HELP ME I DON'T WANNA DIE THIS YOUNG!!
Your "Friend"
-Commit Classified Cloud