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  "Get up, girly! Rise and shine! Time to do some shopping!" Violets high pitched voice screamed

  "It's to early to shop! Give me two more hours." I said burying my face in my pillow

  "It's already nine. You need to learn to get up before noon anyways." she stated, throwing open the curtains and letting the light pour in.

  "It burns!" I say throwing my blanket over my face "Make it stop, I'm melting!"

  "You're such the little actress." She said, stealing my blanket "Now get up!"

  "Stealing someones blanket when they're trying to sleep should be a federal crime punishable by death." I complained as I pulled myself out of bed

  "Whatever, just hurry up." she said, checking herself out in a mirror. She was all ready. Perfect hair, perfect make-up, and even a perfect manicure. I walked over and stood next to her.

  I looked like I'd been hit by a truck

  My hair was in gigantic knots, I only had one sock on, and my shirt was on backwards. I didn't even want to know what my breath smelled like. I grabbed some clothes from a drawer on my bedside table and walked to the bathroom to change. I put on the shirt and shorts I had made the other day. I also brushed out the rats nest I called hair and but it in a ponytail. I brushed my teeth really quick then walked out and found my other sock under my bed and laced up my hightops.

  "Ready?" I asked

  "I've been ready forever. You're just slow as usual." She laughed bumping me with her hip

  "Whatever, Barbie doll." I said laughing and shoving her out of the cabin door

  "C'mon Psycho, let's go." She said throwing her arm around me

  I walked past all the kids sparing, and most of them were pretty good. I saw a farmiliar elvish face lok at me from under a large helmet. It was one of the twins I had met in the Hermes cabin. He smiled and waved, and I smiled and waved back, but he got kicked in the chest by his sparing partner so our little hello was cut a bit short.

  Violet and I walked towards the hill that lead to the road and we saw two figures standing near a tree on top of the hill.

  "Who's that?" Violet asked

  "I think... It's Jack." I said pointing at one of the figures, the one with the furry hindquarters. Sure enough, when we got closer, Jack came down the hill towards us. 

  "Jack!" I said running towards him and tackleing him in a big hug

  "Hey Jo." He said hugging me back. He broke away and turned to hug Violet "Hey Vi."

  "How have you been?" she asked "I havn't seen you the whole time I've been here."

  "I've been good. I was in the infirmary for a few days and then the Counsil of Cloven Elders wanted me for someting, but I'm all better and free now. What are you guys up to?"

  'Violet's dragging me to hell, A.K.A. shopping." I said laughing

  "You guys are going outside of Camp?" He asked, sounding really concerned

  "Yea. What's the big deal?" Violet asked

  "It's not safe for us outside of Camp. The monsers can smell us. You guys could get attacked and have no way of defending yourselves." He said panicking 

  "Jack, we're big girls. We can take care of ourselves." I said

  "At least let me and my friend come with you. Four against one is a lot better than two." 

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  "Are you sure you can endure a Violet shopping trip? You would have to carry bags, and give your opinion on things. Are you man enough for this?" I asked in a serious voice and put my hand on his shoulder

  "I'm sure we will survive." He chuckled.

  "Fine. Whatever, let's just go." I knew Violet wanted to get out of here and get to shopping. She was getting the itch. "But who's this friend you're bringing?" I asked

  "Oh, he's pretty cool. I'm sure you'll like him." He said walking back up the hill. When we got there, I saw the one person I did really not want to see.


  "Hey Leo, do you think we could go with my friends for a little while. They're going outside camp and I want to make sure they'll be okay."

  "Sure, dude. Its not like I had any real plans anyway."  He said. He was fiddling with something in his hands and didn't bother to look up

  "Great! This is Violet, and this is Jo." He said

  Leo looked up. He saw Violet and shook her hand, saying hello. He turned to me and and a huge smirk developed across his face. "Hey buddy." He said

  "Hey." I said with a small smile

  "You two know eachother?" Jack asked

  "Yea, we're good friends." He said, not taking his eyes off me

  I swear you could cut the awkwardness in the air with a knife. Violet finally spoke up after about 4 minutes of staring.

  "Well, let's get going. I have a lot I need to get." She said grabbing me and pulling me towards the road

  Jack called a cab and we all filed into the back seat. Unfourtunately, Jack and Violet decided they wanted the windows so me and Leo were squished together in the middle. It was an awkward and silet cab ride all the way into the city. When we finally got there, Violet jumped out of the cab and dragged me with her. She was ready to shop, when she decided where to go first.

  "Are you sure you guys don't want to back out now? I'm sure we'll be fine." I laughed trying to hold Violet from running off

 "Please, this will be a walk in the park. How hard can shopping be?" Jack said, and they both laughed


  "This is torture!" Jack whined

  "This is worse than Tartarus!" Leo added

  "This should be givin as a punishment to murderers!" Jack continued

  "Suck it up!" Violet and I yelled in unison

  We had been in town for about two hours and had already been to 13 stores. The boys were carrying 8 bags each, and Violet was still on a role. Nothing could stop her when she got started.  We had stopped for lunch, because they were complaining

  "I've still got to shop for Jo, so you might as well deal with it!" Violet pointed out to them

  They both groaned in agony

  "Wait, I never said I agreed to get anything."  I said, crossing my arms

  "Girly, you can't just wear the same camp clothes all summer." she said looking me over

  "I own two sets." I said looking down

  "Jo, you don't even own a pair of pajama pants." she said

Painful Heat (A PJO/Leo Valdez Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang