First day in Orlando!

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Angel pov
I'm so excited for Disney World!! Right now we're at the airport waiting for the plane. ^Everyone that is going to Orlando can go to the gate now^ I took Emilio's hand and we walked to the gate.  
In the airplane
Jake got us first-class tickets. It's like a 2-hour ride. ^Tu angel tan hermoso, tengo tanta suerte de estar contigo^ (Your beautiful angel, I am so lucky to be with you) ^Y tengo mucha suerte de tener un novio guapo como tú^ (And I'm very lucky to have a handsome boyfriend like you) I smiled. ^Emilio, I think imma get a nap^ ^ok^

Emilio pov
Angel fell asleep on my shoulder, she is so adorable. I hope she will say yes!
1 hour and 45 min later
^ok everybody it's 15 minutes until we land, I hope you liked your ride!^
Angel pov
I felt someone shaking me carefully. ^Angel, its time to wake up!^ I opened my eyes and stared right into Emilio's, and kissed him on the lips. ^Eres mi todo^ ^you are also my everything^
At the hotel
Its really late, ^are you tired?^ ^no I'm not Tired^ Emilio laid on the bed, and I jumped on him and started to kiss him. And it turned into us making out.
I think you guys know what happened next
After that, we were really tired so we went to sleep.

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