Cilan's POV~
The only time that rivals the nervousness I feel is when I finally got the guts to ask Iris out, but that was a year ago and this is now. My sweaty palms were pressed against her soft ones; I blushed out of embarrassment, but she didn't pull away in the slightest. A year of dating the one and only girl I'd fallen deeply in love with, and what was I so afraid of?
"They're a little much," I warned with a slightly shaky voice as we neared the gym and restaurant rolled into one. It was a Sunday, so the gym was closed but the restaurant remained open.
"So are you," Iris replied from behind me as I tugged her along. I could hear the smirk in her voice that made me smile and shake my head. "I think I'll manage."
"I just," I stopped as soon as our destination was in sight and turned to face her, clasping both her hands in my own and holding them between our chests. "I don't want it to affect your opinion on me if Chili does something stupid or if Cress creeps you out." Iris raised her eyebrow and scoffed a little, pulling her hands from mine and making me flinch as I realized I'd said something wrong.
"I can't believe you," she said, pushing my cheeks together and standing on her tiptoes to place a short, sweet kiss to my lips. The familiar taste lingered for a moment as she pulled away, my mouth trying to follow hers when it parted. "You really think I'd think of you differently after meeting your brothers?"
"Never," I breathed out, a weight falling off my shoulders as she pointed out the obvious.
"Exactly," she confirmed, taking my hand in hers once again and leading me towards the building with long, confident strides. Despite her reassurance, nervousness still dwelled at the pit of my stomach as I thought of all the things my brothers could do to chase the light of my life away.
"They should be back in the gym," I said as we stepped inside the front door into the restaurant area. A few of the people dining there turned and gave waves and smiles in my direction, a couple girls ducking their heads and covering their mouths at the sight of me. I nodded politely to those who acknowledged my arrival as I weaved through the tables, Iris following my practiced movements.
Everyone in the restaurant froze. The diners paused their eating, the waiters stopped in their tracks, and every head in the room turned to face the overconfident, fiery redhead with my cool and collected brother following him down the isle.
I was going to kill him.
"Oh, you're Irish! Wait, Iris. I meant Iris. Unless you are Irish, of course, then it would be both! What a coincidence that would be, pairing with your name like that, unless your parents did that on purpose, but who names their kid after a cultural pun? It'd be considered a cultural pun, I suppose."
Everyone in the restaurant was silent, except Chili of course. A swirl of rage and embarrassment flooded my entire being, and I didn't dare risk a glance in my girlfriend's direction.
"OH! I didn't introduce myself; I'm Chili, the hottest of the Striaton City Triplets- pun intended," he announced loudly, jabbing a thumb towards his chest with a wide, toothy smile.
"I'm Cress," came my other brother's smooth, bored voice as he hooked a finger around the back of Chili's shirt collar, tugging him back in the direction of the gym as we wordlessly followed him, "pleased to meet you, Iris. We've heard a lot."
"All good things, I hope?" she piped up cheerfully, and I met the bluenette's eyes as he offered a lopsided smirk.
"For the most part, yeah," he answered, giving a half-shrug and letting Chili and Iris giggle as I accused the statement to be a lie. It was, anyway; I would never dare say something even remotely bad about the girl I've traveled with and come to love.
I followed the trio through the doors and into the gym, leaving the confused group of people behind us without any explanation of our actions. They shouldn't be surprised anymore - not with Chili around.
"You're very beautiful, Iris," Cress complimented with a heartfelt tone but stood expression. A blush and smile passed over my girlfriend's face before my expression dropped. "So why are you dating someone like Cilan?"
Before I could defend myself, because of course Cress would say that, Iris cut my off with a loud laugh and a snort. Chili frowned over at her, putting his hands on his hips and titling his head.
"He's right, ya know," he nodded. "Cilantro is not the way to go. You could easily get a guy that's - almost - as hot as I am."
"Oh, come on," Iris mumbled through her giggles. "Cilan - wait, Cilantro - is super sweet. He's plenty attractive, and he's a good cook! What more could I ask for?"
The gaze she sent my way made me mirror the flustered, but thoughtful expression that she wore. I sighed contently, wondering why the universe was so gracious to bless me with a gift such as her. Reaching out and taking her hand, I realized for not the first time, I never wanted to let go. My brothers looked back and forth between the exchange before Chili rested his head on Cress's shoulder with a fond smirk.
"He's in love," Cress commented quietly, blue eyes shifting from our entwined fingers to Chili's red ones.
"I'm glad," he whispered back, and I was thankful. I was surrounded by people who wanted nothing but my happiness, and they all provided it for me.
I'd be lost without them.

Pokemon Oneshots
FanfictionOneshots from the game, anime, and manga. Posted every Tuesday and Thursday. *artwork and characters are not mine!