I was so confused. Literally. I walked into Ally's house and I saw Ally watching a horror show (SHE HATES SCARY THINGS), Kira in the corner pouring and eating a dum-dum, and Laila trying to ask Kira what's wrong (she normally doesn't care).First thing I asked: "Uh what's wrong with everyone. Kira go first."
Kira looked up at me and said quietly, "Simon has a girlfriend."
"Who's Simon?" Ally and I asked in unison.
"The guy Kira has liked since 4th Grade." Laila said.
That arosed a lot of questions. Kira wasn't the type to like guys that way. She had a lot of guy friends but didn't seem to "like" any of them. I'd heard of this Simon kid before. Lots of girls had a crush on him. Even outside the seventh grade. Now he was off-limits.
Apparently, that's not how Kira saw it.
"He's with Leslie Anderson." Kira said. "Leslie told her friend Danielle to tell my friend Alice that they were 'together'."
"And why are you sitting in the corner eating a lollipop?"
"It's a dum-dum. Lollipops taste weird. Leslie got him a box bubblegum dum-dums for his birthday." She uselessly explained (I saw no difference).
"How do you plan to do this? I mean get them- erm- apart. Like maybe try to get Alice to do it? Is Alice friends with Danielle or Leslie?"
"I don't plan to break them up. I'm a lot smarter than that. You know that I can work some magic." She said.
"No magic! We don't even know your power, Kira. Stay on the down low about this guy until we figure out more about Jamie and The Friendship Diary."
We didn't have time for drama.
Trust me.
The Friendship Diary
Teen Fiction"I found a book instead of Converse laces." The quote that started it all. In a beachside neighborhood of Southern Florida near Miami, 10-year-old Jamie McKay finds a magical book instead of laces for her new bubblegum-pink Converse, it changes the...