Chapter Twelve: WILL YOU....?

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A/N: I am skipping to a month later. Nothing happened. They were a happy couple. Lil' Za didn't do anything 'YET'. The only thing news worthy is that they found out the petition that was made to deport Justin had some fake signatures so he didn't have to marry Selena to sty anymore.

Selena's P.O.V.

****1 month later****

It's been a month since all this started and I am happy. Justin is happy too. Today he is taking me out for a special dinner.

Last week we learned that the petition to deport him was invalids.

Some of the signatures were fake so that means we didn't need to keep up this whole engagement rouse. But we never stopped. We even went on interviews together discussing it. We made it believable. But then again out love is real. I still get hate and death threats from some beliebers but most of them are being nice to me.

Anyways I am getting ready for our date. It's 7:30 right now and our date is at 8. I quickly pick out a plain purple tight dress that Justin like because he says it hugs my butt. That make me laugh all the time. I also got some plain black heels. I quickly undress and get in the shower I spend like 5 minutes in there shampooing my hair. I quickly dry off and put my dress on. I go to my phone and start putting music on and get working on my hair and make up.

Justin's P.O.V.

I finish my shower and get a tuxedo out of my closet. It was black with one of those handkerchiefs. The handkerchief was purple. I went over to where my shoes were and I grabbed my purple Supras. Then I made my way downstairs waiting for Selena. We still had 5 minutes to get out of the house. Just as I started to get deep in my thoughts about how tonight's plan I hear a door open and close. She's coming. I see Selena coming down the stairs with a plain purple dress that I liked cause it hugged her butt and plain black heels. I love how we matched. "Wow. You look amazing babe." I said as she came closer to me and I kissed her cheek. "You look handsome. What's the tux for?" Selena asked. "You'll see." I said. We get out of the house and get in the car. Before I start the car I hand Selena a blindfold. "What's this for?" She asked. "So you don't peak." I said. She hesitantly grabbed the blindfold and put it on. I start driving down to where the surprise was. It took us 29 minutes. Thank god it was close. I stopped the car and got out and ran to Selena's door and opened it for her. "Are we here? Can I take the blindfold off now?" She asked. "Yes were here. Nope you can't take it off now. Hold up" I simply said as I lead her to where the surprise was. "Do I hear waves. Are we at the beach?" Selena asks. "Shhh" I simply said I lead her closer to our destination. "Okay now open." I said. She took the blindfold of and her eyes widened and a smile grew on her face. "Oh my god Jay" she said still astonished at the sight.

Selena's P.O.V

"Oh my god Jay" I said as I looked at the amazing sight. I candle light dinner on the beach under the stars. "You like?" He said. "Like? I love!!!" I said. He took my hand an his hand and lead me to the table placed there. He pulled out my chair. And when I sat down he pushed mi in. "Thank you." I said. Justin then sat down. Then a waiter came and placed a plate of lasagna in front of me and in front of Justin. The he opened a bottle of champaign and pours us a glass. Then he left an me and Justin just started eating an talking about random stuff. We talked about music and how our families are doing and our fans. Surprising His Beliebers aren't sending me death threats anymore. Well less Beliebers are sending me death threats. Once we finished we got up an the waiter came and grabbed our plates and glasses. Justin said his thanks and paid him and gave him a $20 tip. Me being me I grabbed my clutch that I brought with me and handed him $15 dollars when Justin wasn't looking. I mean the waiter worked hard. Then me and Justin took our shoes off and started walking down the beach hand in hand. Then Justin stopped in front of me. "Justin what are you doing?" I asked. "Selena I need to tell you something." He said. "What is it Jay?" I asked a little worried of what he might say. "From the moment I met you I instantly fell in love. I am head over heels for you. I know I have screwed up a lot in the past and you have forgave me. I love you magnificent brown hair. Your chocolate brown eyes. Your cute smile. The way you blush when people compliment you. How your not afraid to eat in front of anyone. Your love for pickles. Your love for your family. Your love for your fans. And your love for me." He said. My we started getting watery. Then he or on one knee. "I love you Selena. And I know we're young. But I don't care. Selena Marie Gomez would you do me the honor of marrying me and being my fiancé. For real?" Justin said as he pulled out a box and opens it showing an engagement ring. I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. Tears started falling down my cheek. I looked at Justin knowing he I waiting for my answer.

Justin's P.O.V.

I looked at Selena waiting for an answer. Scared that she would say no. "Y-yes" she said. "What?" I asked smiling making sure I heard her right. "I said yes. I will marry you." She said. I put the ring on her finger and gave her a hug and span her around. I let go of her and pressed my lips on hers. We kissed for at least 5 minutes. It felt like we were kissing for an hour. I looked at my phone and it said it was 10:50. Me and Selena, my fiancé, feels GREAT to say that, make our way to the car. One we got home Selena started kissing my lips hard. "I want you Jay!" She said. I took her hand and lead her to my room. We start kissing and then it turns into a make out session. I kiss her neck looking for e he sweet spot. She moaned. I guess I found it. I unzipped her dress. We look into each others eyes. I was looking for conformation to continue. She nods.

(A/N: I feel uncomfortable writing about what there gonna do. You know what there gonna do)

Selena's P.O.V.

Me and Justin are laying in his bed. Naked. Covered by his sheets. We haven't had sex in a while. Way before this whole mess started a month ago. I can't believe he proposed. I am his fiancé. His REAL fiancé. We are getting married for real. I don't care if we're young. "Loves knows no age" I think Shakespeare said that. I don't know.

Justin is playing with my hair and my head is lying on his chest. I am listening to his heartbeat. "Jay?" I say. "Yeah baby doll?" Justin responds. "Can you Sind to me?" I ask. "Sure babe. Any requests?" He said. "Something new that your working on" I said. I know Justin is working on new music. I hope he gives me a little preview. "Okay!" He said. Then he cleared his throat. Then began singing.

"I wanna be a father

to teach them right from wrong

I wanna have a daughter"

He sang. "That's all I got so far. You like?" He asked. "I love. What's it called?" I asked while tracing hearts in his bare chest. "Is called "I want it all" he said. "I wrote it about us. It's not done yet so..." He started but I interrupted him. "It's beautiful. Sing it again" I said. He snag it over and over again. My eye lids got heavy and next thing I know I am falling asleep. I fall asleep listening to my fiancé singing to me. Feels GREAT to call him my fiancé.



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