This is a fairy tail crossover with one punch man and basically saitama during his fight with vaccine man he was sucked away by a cosmic worm hole which sent him to mt. Hakobe and as he begins his new adventure in the fairy tail verse.
As the train came to a stop at the port of hargeon there was a huge line of people getting on the train but the only person actually getting off the train was Wendy and carla Wendy walking oozingly still recovering from the shock of watching the incredible scene of saitama running through the mountain and coming out without even a scratch and also the fact that he was able to catch up with a speeding train and his bored expressionless face is framed in her mind as she thought to herself "he said he didn't have magic right if he didn't use magic then what was that" as Wendy finally making up her mind that she probably shouldn't ask him so she can still keep her sanity.
As saitama stopped when the train stopped he began making his way to the side of the train where Wendy and Carla where getting off he walked up to them and asked if wendy was ok. As she responded back "ya I'm fine " as she finally catches her balance and then decides to ask saitama "I thought you said that you didn't have magic saitama-san" as saitama told Wendy " I don't " as Wendy pressed on "then explain what that was" as saitama answered "what was what" as Wendy continued "you know running though a mountain and catching up with a speeding train" as saitama answered back "O that" " I don't know I'm just strong I guess" he said in a bored expressionless tone " STRONG" Wendy now giving saitama this face.
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" you ran through a mountain and now your acting as if it is the most easiest accomplishment in the world" as Carla cut into the conversation "what's all this molarchy that saitama-san ran through a mountain and that he was able to catch up with a speeding train " "it's not molarchy it's true I saw it with both my eyes responded back wendy ignoring the other conversation they where just having saitama asked "oi wendy what are we supposed to do again" as wendy was surprised of what saitama just said because she had totally forgot why she was here in the first place and in flash everything she was told from Mira came back to her in a flash " we are here to help Mr.Dykstra and he is waiting for us down at the hargeon park let's go" saitama did as she said because of two reasons one he doesn't know his way around hargeon and two he doesn't feel like running around the city trying to find a person he doesn't even know so he decided to shut up and let the kid do the talking sense she looks like she knows what's she's doing.
After a couple of minutes of walking and looking around saitama, wendy, and Carla finally came to a stop at a water fountain. They found a bench and as they sat down they were approached by a man in a white suit with dark shaded glasses and short blond hair as the man approached them he spoke "are you guys fairy tail" asked the man as wendy replied with a "yes sir you must be Mr. Dykstra" as the man answered back "i was expecting more of a team you know like the thunder legion or shadow gear hell might as well send titanic she would have gotten the job done but na the legendary fairy tail send a costumed bum a little girl and a flying cat juuust whaaat I need great huh" as the man took a break and then began again "ok guess you guys have been informed of that I'm more than just a stock broker that keeps most of hargeon on it's feet. I also run the mob that rolls around hargeon keeping people safe making sure shipments leave and come in all in one piece but lately we've been having some issue's you see back at the port there have been a lot of sea monster's coming out of the bay and they have been causing a lot of trouble from wreaking shop's to destroying shipments that are supposed to leave to magnolia a lot of my men have been hurt and injured while most of them have been killed fighting these things after hearing all this well you still take the job.
Wendy didn't know what to say what to think being killed is this how bad the problem in this town but once again. That kinda explains why there was so many people trying to leave hargeon back at the station. Wendy was conflicted she didn't how to respond should she except the request but then it hurt she didn't pick this mission saitama-san did as Wendy spoke up but was silenced immediatly by saitama as he told Mr.Dykstra "I accept" and with the confidence radiating right off saitama even though with his poker face still on it inspired wendy to say "I accept as well" right after saying that Mr.Dykstra looked at finally breaking his serious face with a crack of a smile he said "Damn you fairy tail guys got big balls most people I've hired so far either chickened out or craped themselves good to see that there's a little hope for hargeon after all" as wendy and saitama are about to leave " hey I just want you to know that I appreciate this don't disappoint me " then after that saitama and Wendy walked away and toward the bay of hargeon.