Chapter Twenty-Five

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Diana's POV

"Niall?!" I whisper/yell as I saw him lying down on the bed. He looks at me while drinking water and immediately looks away. He's hiding something and so are the others. I push the door open and walk into his room and stood beside him. "Niall what happened? Why are you here?!" I bom him with questions as I feel myself stutter. Why am I stuttering?!

"Why are you here?" He asks me back rather calmly. Is he kidding me? I look at Zayn for answers but no one said a word

"Niall I need answers" I tell him as Zayn and Harry walk into the room. Everyone stayed quiet till the Doctor came in. Maybe he'll blurt out something

"Sorry Mr Horan, but your new reports say that you have no signs of cancer" He says and my eyes widen in shock. Cancer?! What the fuck?! "It's just a severe liver damage which can be operated" He continues and I feel my heart breaking into a million pieces. Is this why he acted differently with me for months?!

"W-what?!" I say in between tears as Harry quickly walks over to me, trying his best to calm me down. "Niall, why didn't you tell me?! Why the fuck did you hide this from me?!" I question him. I need answers today and right now. He stays quiet as the Doctor starts to talk again.

"And this is the reason that you've been vomiting blood. It can he dangerous if you don't operate it as soon as possible" He finishes and walks out of the door, the nurse following him. He was vomiting blood?! I have no idea what is going on right now. I just hope that someone wakes me up and tells me that this is a nightmare. I cry even more thinking about him leaving me and Niall holds my hand as he rubs his thumb below my knuckles.

"Please don't cry, i'll be fin--"

"Fine?! Are you fucking out of your mind?! If I didn't see you here today, I bet you wouldn't tell a thing!" I yell at him and leave his hand. I'm too upset to talk to anyone right now. "Is this why you were acting differently with me all these months?! Is this why you cheated on me last week?!" He nods and I cry even more. Why didn't I notice this? Why didn't I ask him anything?! It's all my fault!

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry.." He starts off and I look at him in disbelief. Worry?! "And about cheating on you, I wouldn't even think about that. That was the maid, I called the company up for a maid to clean our house because I knew Harry was bringing you. I wanted to meet you for the last time, babe" He explains and I look at him in an apologatic way. The way

he said 'our house' melts my and the part where he thinks he's going to see me for the last time is not true one bit.

"I'm sorry, Niall" I say, sadly and hug him. The hug is back. My Niall is back. I thought all wrong about him. I never shouldve left neither doubted him.

"No, I'm sorry babe" he hugs me tighter. "It's not your fault. I've treated you really badly in these months. I'm so sorry" He kisses my cheek and I nod, signaling it's okay.

"I will never leave you. You'll be fine in the next two or three months. Me and baby will be right here with you" I say and kiss him back on the cheek. The Doctor comes back in and I stand up, wiping my tears from my cheeks.

"Do you want to do the operation? So should we start looking for a liver donator?" He asks and I glance at Niall.

"You don't have people who'll donate right now?" Zayn asks and the doctor shakes his head no.

"We have to find and also in a week because if we wait more longer, it can be dangerous for Niall" he warns and I cover my mouth with my hand in shock. I hope we find a donator soon. Zayn and Harry walk out with the doctor and me and Niall start talking.

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