It was morning and Naruto was starting to get up.
"Naruto, are you awake?" asked a voice through the door.
"Yeah. Thanks for waking me up, mom." the blond boy called back.
"Time to get up." the boy thought.
It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and no cloud was seen. It should have been a great day if it weren't for the fact that Naruto starts to attend a new school today. He and his family moved from Suna to Konoha in the spring break so that he could start in the new school year with everyone else.
"Good morning, Naruto."
"Morning mom, dad." greeted the teenage boy his parents and sat down to eat his breakfast.
"Are you ready?" asked his dad with concern.
"I'm going to be okay now. Don't worry!" answered Naruto hesitantly.
His parents looked at each other before looking at their son with concern.
However before the two could say anything the blonde stood up and was walking towards the door.
Only saying "Bye!"
On his way his new school he thought about what happened to him to be here now. It wasn't like he didn't want to move, no, he was really happy about it but his parents shouldn't have to leave their friends and work places. It wasn't fair to them. On the other side he could understand them. Who would let him move alone after what he went through. Naruto was grateful that his godfather could pull some strings to get him into Konoha High.
Before he really noticed he was in front of his new school were Jiraiya was already waiting for him.
"Hey pervy uncle!" greeted Naruto his godfather with a fake smile.
The elder man immediately recognised the fake yet didn't say anything about it and lead his godson to his friend the principal.
Jiraiya knocked on the door and a female voice answered.
"Tsunade, here is my godson, Naruto Uzumaki." introduced the elder man him.
"Ah...hello. My name is Tsunade and I'm the principal here. Kakashi who is your new teacher will be here shortly. Let me make one thing clear only because you know Jiraiya doesn't mean I'll go easy on you and treat you differntly. Understood?"
"Y-yeah..." stammered Naruto.
They all went silent after the blond got his timetable and his books and waited for Kakashi to arrive.
"You wanted to see me Tsunade?" asked a voice behind them.
"You're late." sighed the woman resigned. "Anyway, yes. This boy is Naruto Uzumaki and he's in your class from now on. You can go now." introduced Tsunade Naruto and made them leave.
"You really think it would be a good idea for him to be in this class?"asked the blonde woman concerned after the boy and his teacher left.
She knew what the poor boy went through and couldn't image the painhe felt or is still feeling.
"He could help them and they could heal him..." answered the man and added in his thoughts: "hopefully..."
Meanwhile Naruto and Kakashi arrived at the classroom. All the way there was spent in silence with Naruto giving of the annoyed–and–lone–wolf
–vibe which made Kakashi curious since his new student didn't seem like this type.
"Please wait here for a moment." asked Kakashi Naruto who only gave him a shrug to which the elder sighed.
The gray haired man opened the door and heard immediately: "You'relate, Kakashi!"
The man laughed a bit which could only be seen by his one eye since he wore a mask which covered half of his face.
"Ah sorry... but I have a really good reason today." explained he and added: "You can come in!"
Before anyone could react the door opened again and a tall blonde boy went inside. Naruto looked around his new classroom. There were roughly twenty students in the classroom but he honestly didn't care until he saw a face he recognised slightly. It was a boy in his age with brown hair which he wore in a thorny pigtail. It was Shikamaru Nara a boyfriend of someone who had the same 'friend' he doesn't want to remember.
"Naruto? Please introduce yourself." requested his teacher of him.
"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. 17 years old." introduced Naruto himself at which Kakashi sweat dropped.
"Don't you want to add something?"
"No" was his simple answer.
"Ok" sighed Kakashi again and asked his class: "Does anybody have a question for Naruto?"
Immediately half of the class' hands went up and Naruto sighed annoyed.
"Couldn't they be simple disinterested in my live? " thought the blond.
"Where did you come from?" asked a girl with green eyes and pink hair.
"Suna" was the blonds short answer.
"Why did you move here?" asked another girl with slightly lighter blond hair than his own and blue eyes. He heard Kakashi said her name was Ino.
"None of your buisness."
"Uhuuu...Sasuke it looks like we have another one like you." chuckled a guy in a green overall and black bushy eyebrows.
Naruto only raised one of his own eyebrows at this comment.
"Ah...that's troublesome..." sighed Shikamaru and a small smile shooed over Narutos face at this before he brought back his stoic face. Nobody noticed it anyway. Some things wouldn't change no matter what.
"Everything is troublesome to you Shika." laughed a guy who really shouldn't eat so much junk food.
"He is right, you know." said Naruto to Shikamaru and surprised his classmates and teacher.
"Long time no see, Naruto." greeted Shikamaru him with a small smile. He knew what happened only because his girlfriend told him about it.
"Wait! You two know each other?" asked a completely surprised guy with red marks on his cheeks and a dog on his head.
"Yeah...we know the same people..." answered Shikamaru indirectly andNaruto was grateful for it.
"Harrum..." interrupted Kakashi the chats through out the room. "Since you seem to know Shikamaru already why don't you sit beside him on the free seat."
Naruto looked where Shikamaru sat and who sat around him since Shikamaru sat besides the window. Left from where he would sit sat a boy with blackhair and eyes. He had pale skin and was giving the same vibe off like Naruto. In front of him sat a brunette boy who had long hair which was tied at the end and violet eyes. Behind him sat the guy with the red marks and the dog. Luckily no girls were near him. However he didn't know that in the break not only his table would be crowed but his neighbor's table too.
Anyway, Kakashi started with the lesson when Naruto sat at his place. Through out the lesson he could feel his classmates eyes on him even though not all. The black haired guy next to him and Shikamaru were the only ones who didn't stare and looked else where.
A/N: This is my frist fanfiction about Naruto. Hope you liked the first chapter. English isn't my mother tongue so if you find any mistakes please send them to me.

Looking ahead
FanfictionNaruto moved to Konoha because of some happenings in Suna. Due to them he is emotionless and doesn't care about anything. Can Sasuke help him? A boyxboy, SasuNaru Fanfiction. Don't like, don't read.