Into Your Arms

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“My masterpiece is complete!” Dani crowed, setting down her brushes. For the past two hours, I had been primed, polished, curled, and painted within an inch of my life. Tonight was Homecoming and Dani had insisted on doing my hair and makeup for me. Her own hair was cascading down her back in big lilac colored curls, her makeup done in silver and black. The dress she was wearing would probably make Alec have an asthma attack once he saw her in all its tight black glory.

“Can I see myself now?” I asked. I was a little anxious to see what she had done. I trusted my best friend with my life, but with my face, I was a little more hesitant.

“Yes, yes, turn around.” She let me out of the chair and practically clapped her hands with excitement as I turned to face myself in the mirror. My mouth formed a perfect scarlet “O” as I took myself in. My unruly dirty blonde hair had been tamed into very soft, loose waves. For all the brushes that Dani had used, my makeup was light. She’d used a lot of gold tones and it picked up the flecks of gold in my eyes. The red lipstick was the brightest point on my face and it made my lips look pouty and full. Dani truly was a beauty wizard.

The first thought that crossed my mind was, “God, I wish Myles could see me like this.” But he couldn’t. Instead, I’d spend the night dancing with Mikko and my two best friends, and I wouldn’t pout a bit about not getting to take Myles with me.  

“I look incredible, thank you Dani.” I said finally, turning to hug her very carefully.

“I know, I’m amazing.” She grinned. “Now let’s go, our dates and more importantly, your mom, should be getting here any minute.” I’d gone over to Dani’s house to get ready, so Mom was driving over after work to take pictures and see us off. I could only pray that she wouldn’t say anything about the way Mikko looked, or at least not in front of him.

We’d just reached the bottom of the stairs when the door swung open.

“Hello ladies, I’m here to party!” Griffin struck a pose, making us giggle. Hiding behind him was a tiny redhead wearing a beautiful green dress. She looked like a little woodland fairy, a shy one at that.

“Hey Griff, you look great.” Dani said, hugging him. “Now who’s your friend?”

“Oh, guys, this is Candace. Candace, my two best friends, Dani and Mina.” Griffin looked at Candace with stars in his eyes. I was sure if they weren’t dating already, they would be soon. She murmured a hello, which made Dani purse her lips. She never did like shy people. She always wanted to yank them out of their shell, whether they liked it or not. That was probably why Griffin hadn’t brought her around us yet.

“Nice to meet you.” I said, leading her into the house. Alec was on his way; Mikko, however, wasn’t picking up his phone. It put me on edge, but even more so when Alec and my mom had arrived and Mikko still wasn’t here. Dani happily introduced us to Alec, a tall dark haired boy with the bluest eyes I’d ever seen. He seemed well-suited for her and spent most of his time staring at her like she was the most precious thing he’d ever seen.

“Where’s your date?” Mom asked, holding my camera carefully. I’d instructed her on how to use it and hold it properly already. If nothing else, we’d get some great pictures of the group here, even if this wagon did have five wheels.

Then I heard the distinctive chugging of a junky old Honda and relief washed over me. He parked carefully between two cars and hurried across the street, clutching a flower box to his chest. His suit looked impeccable; the tailor had truly done a great job. He’d left his nose ring in, but had tied his dreads back into a thick bundle at the base of his neck.

“Please tell me that’s not him.” Mom muttered.

“That’s him.” I crossed my fingers, praying she wouldn’t say anything.

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