Two guards were standing immobile, one more leaning against the castle’s stone wall, wavering and thrusting his Iron forged sword with upmost lackluster.
“Stop that!” the guard alongside him opposed, obviously exasperated. “Swing a little more times and you might even decapitate someone!”
The bored guard slid his sword back into its Iron casing, embodied with an eagle design and some medieval patterns.
“Guard jobs are so dull!” he detested, tinges of defiance could be observed from his voice. “We do not even have anything to entertain us!”
With a husky sigh, he turned his back towards the other guards, and was about to retrieve his canteen to hydrate himself when he heard a swish, hardly breaking the silence of the eerie night. He targeted his view at the other two guards. He nearly fell backwards due to shock when he saw that both of them were lying on the ground motionless, blood sluggishly flowing out from their bodies as though their souls were being garnered by the earth.
He drew his sword out with his trembling, shaky hands in a panic immediately as he heard infuriated growls. Zombies stampeded towards him. Being outnumbered by immeasurable enemies, he took a rickety step back. He stumbled on the lifeless guards’ legs, dropping his sword and fell backwards. A skeletal commander paraded out of the dark shadows of the foliage, mounted on a man sized arachnid. It drew its bow to chockfull power, deliberately loaded a cutthroat sharp diamond arrow and targeted it at the forehead of the petrified guard. The guard pleaded for mercy, shut his eyes, bringing him into complete unawareness towards the situation before him as though he was too scared to face the harsh reality of life in Minecraftia.
A flock of black crows fluttered into the night sky as a loud gruesome sound was heard, followed by a blood curdling scream echoing throughout the ironically tranquil night…