I was sitting there on the first day of school everyone was laughing and telling all of there friends what they did in the summer, while I on the other hand sitting there.I was looking at a girl,a girl who made me smile the girl who made me laugh and made me feel good inside.this girl was the girl I loved,just something about her made me feel so....happy I didn't know how to explain it anymore but she did.
over the summer I changed, my height changed my looks, my body, my hair,everything change I was more muscular kind of. I wasn't all the way out but I had some,I was stronger than I was before that's all I got to say.but the way I look on the first day of school everyone was starring well the girls were and they was laughing and smiling I thought it was cute so I smiled back.my friends didn't know who I was like they knew me but the way I look and everything it just surprised them.I went up to them and I sat down to wait to leave in the morning to go to class,but I saw my ex I got up and fix my nice ass shirt and I ran my fingers in my turquoise hair then I fix my glasses.
My ex look at me and all I did was smile and waved he look at me and his eyes went wide and then he said "jade?" all I could do was smile. I look at him and told him "its Hayden."he look at me and got up and made me turn around he was so shock that I wasn't the same as last year.he told me I look really good all I said was "thanks". I turned around to see Carley I look at her she was just beautiful so I look at her and said "hey beautiful what are you doing." all she did was smile so wide I put my arm around her neck and I told her " wont you take me to your friends and we can hang out." she put her arm around me and I look back to see my friends looking at me even my ex, all I could do was smile I felt so good to be different I felt so sexy as a new person.
Over the summer I learned how to be more happy and my attitude change so did the cussing I stop doing that but I still said them when I was mad.
sorry its short the next one will be a little longer :)
-love your author

im just a shadow in the dark
Non-Fictiona girl named rosie likes this girl but she is scared to tell her so she stays in the shadows and watches her from afar.