'Mr.Jones please explain what happened the day your mom gave up on you", said my counsiler Mrs.Henderson. I was laying on a couch in room 306 in the southwest theropist hospital. "I remember it was a wensday, mom was rushing because she was late for a metting". I felt a tear leave my eye and i wiped it off gently. "i was ready to tell my mom that i was gay, but when i did all hell broke lose. she told me to get the hell out my house, how she would never raise someone who was gay". I paused and heard a girl yelling down the hall, then came a "thunk". I thought nothing of it and went back to my story. "I grabbed my bag and headed off to school, when i got home i found a note left from my mother". It read "your bags are packed and in the kitchen a lady will be by to pick you up, you will leave with her and never return. Ill be damned if i walk around with a gay son, mabey someone will love you but i wont". That day flashed back in my head, me grabbing the note and ripping it into million of pieces, Then came a knock on the door. It was a tall mexican lady. She had red hair and a black suit on. "Are you Andrew", she asked. "Yes", i replied trying not to cry. "My name is Rebecca Lundas, and im here to pick you up". I went to the kitchen grabbed my bags and closed the door behind us. Not worrying about anything in the place i once called home.