Chapter 10

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Picture of Kayden up top!

Bonnie's P.O.V

I glared at Ace out of the corner of my eyes, my arms crossed tightly over my ches.t Ace had a satisfied smirk on his face, making me even more annoyed. Finally, after five minutes of silence, I have had enough.

"Why did you do that?" I ask stiffly.

"Do what?" he questions innocently, not removing his eyes from the road.

"Buy all of my clothes? I could have payed for everything myself!" I argue.

"Oh I know you could've, but you didn't have to, because I did it."

"I know, but why," I growl, getting annoyed.

I felt like a charity case. He takes me into his house like some injured animal, gives me a deal that is in no way beneficial to him, buys a bunch of food for him and myself, and now he bought all of my clothes.

"Because I can," he shrugs, making a left turn onto another road.

"I told you that I can take care of myself. I don't need your charity or your help," I growl through gritted teeth, digging my nails into my arms to keep from strangling him.

I hate being bossed around. I hate not being in control. And I hate when people do random things for me. They always expect something in return. Nothing in this world is free, so what does Ace want?

"I know you can take care of yourself. You proved it in training," he lets out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head, before continuing. "But we are...friends, and friends do nice things for each other. I have way too much money and need to find a way to spend it somehow. I don't need to buy anything for myself, so I spent it to help you," he says, flicking his blue gaze over to me for a second before looking back at the road.

I let out a sigh and lean my head back against the seat, closing my eyes.

"It's just hard you know. I'm not use to having friends, or, people who really help me out, well, except for Sky and Jim,' I find myself telling him, but then clamp my mouth shut before I blab even more.

What is wrong with me? I never open up to anyone! I always keep myself at a distance, not letting other people into my fucked up life. I came with too much baggage and no one else needed to deal with me. Why was I starting to tell Ace things about myself that I never talk about? What made him so special?

"I get it, but you have to get use to the fact that we are friends now, which means we help each other out, got it."

"What could I possibly do to help you out?" I scoff, sitting back up in my seat.

"There are plenty of ways," I hear him smirk and look over to find him wiggling his eyebrows at me suggestively.

"I may be a stripper but I'm not a whore," I deadpan, causing his eyes to widen.

'No...that's not what I meant..."

"I'm just messing with you. I know you were kidding," I find myself chuckling.

Ace gives me a strange look before smiling and looking back at the road.

"So are you working at Sin City tonight?"


"Alright, well Kayden and Caleb, my buddied, want to go back there and I guess I'm going with them, so I'll give you a ride there," Ace says, turning into his long driveway.

"Okay...I guess, but I get off at two so..." I don't get to finish.

"I'll drive you back too, Caleb and Kayden will be done for the night by then...hopefully," he says, spotting the car once we reach the house.

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