This will be the only chapter, just wanted to post this to see what you guys think of it and remember comments are always encouraged.
This is a story about a little girl and it takes place in Japan. It all started with a five year old girl named Susahara Ichigo. She was born in a rich family that was close to the emperor so naturally she was expected to be perfect.
"You brat! Why haven't you cleaned this up!" A voice yelled out.
"Sorry Mother!" Susahara said with panic and fear.
"Don't you dare call me your mother! Having you as a daughter is a disgrace!" Her mother shouted out to the poor girl. She raged and threw things around randomly along with throwing a vase at her daughter. The vase hit Susahara on her arm as she tried to block it from her face and now there were small cuts on her arm from the bits of fragile glass that shattered on her arms.
"Get out! Get out of my sight you filth!" She yelled at the poor girl. Susahara nodded and quickly ran out great full for being dismissed. She went to her room and cried.
"Why am I so worthless?" She asked as she looked in the mirror. Her long black straight black framed her porcelain tear stained face a long black lock of hair was over her right eye but that is how she liked it. Her deep dark blue eye was wet with tears. Then she remembered what made her so horrible.
"That's right I'm a freak. A monster. A mistake." She mumbled to herself. She wiped off her tears with the sleeve of her black kimono. She stained longingly at the red cherry blossoms and blue dragons that decorated the ends of the sleeves and dress.
"I wish I could be as pretty as a cherry blossom or as strong as a dragon. But I'm just a weed in the garden and as weak as a rabbit cornered by wolfs." She looked out at the moon with its radiant glow. She went up to her window and looked out at the forest.
"Psst hay Susahara come down here." A boy's voice whispered/yelled. Susahara looked down to see Haru her best and only friend in the whole wide world. He had snow white hair and light crystal blue eyes he was below her window about 50ft under it.
"Haru you know I can't mom and dad will get angry." Susahara said back but then a low slam was heard.
"Trash get down here right now!" Came a males voice.
"You don't want him to get more mad go and I will wait for you." Haru said wishing he could take Suahara away from this nightmare but he knew that she would be put in even more pain. With that Susahara quickly ran downstairs to meet the horrible man that she called father.
"Mind explaining why this house is such a mess! You can't do anything right can you, you are so useless!" He yelled voice filled with anger. As he slapped her in the face. Susahara fell back as she coughed up some blood and the glass dug deeper in her skin she then held her red cheek. She quickly scrambled up and bowed.
"I-I'm so s-sorry fa-sir! I'll clean up r-right a-away! She said as tears dripped down her face.
"You almost called me your father! Your not my daughter and you never will be! Now we will take our leave and when we return we expect this place to be spotless now get to work!" He said angrily. She quickly went back to her room to tell Haru.
"Mom and dad want me to clean up so I can't tonight." Susahara explained sadly.
"I can help you clean up, that way it will get done sooner." Haru purposed.
"Ok I'll open the front door for you." Susahara said excitedly as she went to the front door when she opened it Haru stepped in. He had a dark look on his face as soon as he saw her.
"Those cuts and bruises, they did that to you didn't they?" Haru said as he examined her arm.
"Y-yah but it's fine I'm ok." Susahara answered as she looked away. Without a word Haru took her to the bath room to take the glass out of her wounds, clean them, and bandage them.
"You didn't need to do that you know." Susahara said as they started cleaning up the floor.
"Of course I did you needed it so they can heal faster. I don't get why they do that you don't deserve to be treated in such a way!" Haru said as he griped the wash rag tightly anger and hatred coated his voice.
"Well I am a freak, I'm dangerous, an animal basically." Susahara answered as she looked at the floor.
"Susahara you aren't dangerous, and besides, I'm the same as you I'm the exact same as you and do you see me as an animal, a monster?" Haru asked Susahara.
"No." Susahara answered. She knew that arguing with Haru was pointless so she just gave up. After about an hour they finished cleaning and we're now in her room.
"Let's go out for a bit there is something I want to show you." Haru said as he opened her window and grabbed Susahara's hand.
"Get ready!" Haru said as he jumped out of the window.
"Ahhh! Haru are you crazy!?" Susahara yelled as they fell down. Right before they hit the hard ground below they stopped. Susahara looked up to see Haru holding onto a tree branch. He then just climbed down from the tree still having a tight grip on Susahara with his left arm. Once on the ground he led her to the forest.
"This is what I wanted to show you." Haru said as he led her to a clearing in the forest. Susahara's eyes widened at the beautiful sight their was a lake vibrant and crystal clear, soft green grass, fireflies danced around in the dim light, but the thing that Susahara loved most was the huge rock that had the perfect view of the sun set.
"It's so beautiful." Susahara whispered in awe.
"I'm glad you think so, I have something I have to tell you. I have to go away for a little bit." Haru said as he looked at the ground.
"What!? Why? Please don't leave me like everyone else!" Susahara wailed as tears started to roll down her face.
"Don't worry I promise I will see you again." Haru told Susahara as he hugged her tightly.
"Promise?" Susahara said as she looked at him.
"I swear I will find you again. No matter what I won't stop searching. No matter were you go, I will be their for you protecting you. I promise to never make you feel alone. And don't cry I hate seeing you sad." Haru said as he wiped away her tears with his thumb.
"Ok. I promise I'll wait. No matter how long it takes for you to find me, I'll wait." Susahara said as she griped onto his arm.
"Thanks. I'll be counting on that." Haru said as he put something around Susahara's neck she looked down to see a silver heart shaped neckless with a black jewel in the middle.
"It's so pretty!" Susahara said as she looked at the heart.
"It gets better." Haru said as he opened the locket a beautiful melody of London bridge started to play and inside was a picture of both of them with a smile on their faces.
"I love it thank you so much!" Susahara said as she hugged him.
"It's getting dark we should head back." Haru said as he led the way to her house once inside they went to her bedroom.
"How long do you have?" Susahara asked.
"I leave in a week. Meet me in the clearing before I have to leave." Haru instructed.