Chapter 6

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Michael was confused. It was as simple as that. Confused. He didn't know why Luke ran away. He didn't know why Luke was crying. He didn't know why he was sitting on the sofa still, instead of running after Luke.

Luke was doing so well, he had just eaten a half of a sandwhich. He hadn't thrown up for a few days. He was doing amazing. Now Michael doesn't know what to do. 


Luke knows exactly why he is crying, and why he ran away. He was afraid. Afraid of getting hurt. Afraid of being in love. Afraid of well, himself. Luke knew that if he got his heart broken, he wouldn't survive it. Luke was still running. He was already out of the house and probably not going back for a while. He finally slowed down while approaching a park. There were a bunch of little kids on the playground, and a cute old couple on one of the benches.

Luke sat down at the base of a big tree, and put his head on his knees.

"Excuse me?" A little voice said. Luke looked up and a little girl was standing there, couldn't be more than six, without her parents around.

"Hi sweetie." Luke said.

"Can I sit with you?" She asked shyly, "You look a little lonley."

"Sure." Luke replied.

She sat down and looked at Luke, "What's that thingy on your lip?" She asked.

Luke smiled, she was a cute little girl.

"It's a lip ring. I got a hole put in my lip and that's where it goes. It makes me look cool."

"I want a lip ring someday. Did it hurt?"

"Only for a minute. It was like getting a shot."

"I hate shots. I always cry." She pouted. Luke laughed.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Abby. What's yours?" She replied.

"Luke. How old are you Abby?"

"I'm five and three quarters." She said proudly, while holding up fingers.

"That's awesome. I'm seventeen." Luke replied.

"Why are you sitting all alone Luke?" Abby asked. 

"Well, I was at home with my best friends, we live together, and I have a crush on one of them, but I don't think he likes me back. Anyway, I was sitting on the couch and he kissed me. I ran away because I was scared." Luke said, sugar coating it for the little girl. 

"My mommy says being gay ins't okay, but I hope she changes her mind." Abby said with a weird look on her face.

"Why is that Abby?" Luke asked.

"Because, I think I have a crush on my best friend too. Her name is Penelope." 

"Well, I bet your mommy will love you for whoever you end up being. That's her job. Just don't tell her until you're at least 13." 

"Okay. Can I ask you another question?" She asked.

"That was a question." Luke said, smiling.

"No I mean," She said laughing, "Like a real question." 

Luke was also laughing, "Go ahead."

A worried look crossed her face, "Why did you put marks on your arm? I know what they are because my big sister used to have them."

Luke stopped laughing and looked at his arm, he forogt to wear a jacket, "Um, I guess I didn't feel like anybody loved me. I felt like nobody cared and everybody hated me."

"Well, I don't hate you. And I don't think your best friend hates you either. I'm gonna be right back. Wait here." She said and ran to a woman on a bench that wasn't too far away from the tree. Abby said something to the woman, who Luke assumed was her mother, and grabbed her hand, dragging her over to Luke.

"Mommy, this is Luke. He has marks just like Kayla did!" She exclaimed and pulled her mothers head down to where she was whispering in her ear. Her mother reached into her purse and handed something to Abby. Abby walked over to Luke and put a bandaid on his arm. 

"Here. It's to help it get better. Kayla's never got better, and that's why she's in heaven now. I'm giving you this because I don't want you to go to heaven." Abby said, and sat on Luke's lap, giving him a hug. 

Luke looked at her mother, who was smiling at her daughter and Luke. Tears were falling onto Abby's pink dress, coming from Luke's eyes. 

"Mommy? Can Luke be my new babysitter? Instead of Katherine? I don't like her. She reminds me of Kayla too much." Abby said, pulling away from Luke. 

"Well Abby, that's because she's Kayla's twin sister. but, I don't know Abby, why don't you ask Luke?" Her mother said.

Abby turned to Luke with a pleading look in her face, "Oh please Lukey please please pleaaasseee?" She begged. 

"I don't see the problem. My band isn't doing anything out of town for at least six months."

"What band are you in?" Abby's mother asked.

"5 Seconds of Summer."

"Oh my gosh. Katherine loves them. It will be amazing having you as Abby's babysitter." Abby's mother exclaimed. 

Luke pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, "Do you have a pen I could write my number on?" He asked. She handed him a pen. 

He wrote his number down and she promised she would call whenever she needed him, which was a lot. She was a busy woman.

"Bye Lukey!" Abby yelled and walked off with her mother. 

Luke smiled.


Okay guys, super filler chapter. But I hope you guys liked it anyway. NEW CHARACTER ALERT. YES, ABBY, KATHERINE, KAYLA, AND THEIR MOTHER WILL PLAY A BIG PART IN THIS STORY.

Can you guys get this chapter to 8 votes and 7 comments for the next one? Thank youuu <3

Don't forget to follow my Wattpad too! And give me feedback! Love you guys! Byeeeeee ! 

Stay strong xx



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