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Everyone. They're all hidden. Hidden behind these really good masks that you just can't seem to get off. And if, only if, you can seem to get their mask off, the only thing under is an ugly, open figure. You hide all your secrets in your mask, and then suddenly, "poof," they're all  revealed, out in the open. But what about those other girls and boys? What about their masks? You know, the geeks, the unpopular kids, always reminding the teacher about homework, the ones getting picked on. Man, their masks are like, like a house, you need a crane to get those stupid things out. Or maybe they'll just sink in, and suddenly, their mask is gone. Their house is gone. There's no where to live. You're homeless, massless. Everything about you, your life, is just gone and revealed. You have no where to live. No one will let you in. Now you need money, secrets, anything, for a new house. How far will you go?

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