Faster...... Faster...... Faster. I screamed at the clock in my mind. Today was the last day of school. Or at least the last
"And now, for more announcements....." Mr. Traiser said, we all groaned.
"We'll have our annual dance tomorrow, 7:00 pm." We all cheered! Year 9, we're fifteen. Nobody treats us like babies anymore.
"Whoa! Hold up, Alliana Williams," we all looked at Alliana, "Please come with me outside." A chorus of 'oohs', 'ohhhh!', and 'owned!' and 'pwnage!'s roamed around the room. Alliana looked at her sister and I, we both gave her encouraging nods, and she followed Mr. Traiser outside the room. Being who we were, Ariana and I couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation.
"Sir, did I do anything wrong?" Alliana asked, her voice quivering. Ariana and I looked at each other with wide eyes. Some time this year, three of us decided to play a prank on one of the really old and mean lifeguard in our pool. When it was his lunch break, we snuck into the pool and dyed the water red. Coach Diana was like, "But, I already had menopause!" and we couldn't stop cracking up! She must've spotted one of us and reported it to the principal. Just the thought of it got us cracking up again.
"Ms. Williams, I would like to speak to you about your grades." Mr. Traiser said. Her grades? She's a top student! What could've happened?
"Sir?" Alliana said, her voice shaking. I felt a slight shiver myself, and Alliana must've felt something too.
Mr. Traiser gave her a warm smile "Alliana, please relax. You got a straight A+ on your latest report card. Now, I'm talking about acceleration."
My eyes and Ariana's eyes widened and our jaws dropped. And apparently, so did Alliana's.
"Wh-what did you say?" Alliana asked him, obviously trying to hide her scream.
"Acceleration, Alliana. If you take this test, and if you get a high grade, you'll be beginning Year 11 this January."
Her eyes brightened and she had a huge smile on her face "When can I take it?"
"Anytime you want, as long as you wont be missing any classes and as long as it's in the afternoon. Just bring your report card." Mr. Traiser said, she nodded.
We squealed from the door, looking around, hoping no one heard us. When Ariana's conversation with Mr. Traiser was over, she had this HUGE grin on her face.
"OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alliana screamed at the top of her lungs.
"I know right?!" Ariana and i said simultaneously.
"Okay students. Get to your next class."
And we did. But sadly, it was my least favourite class. Math. Ugh, just the name makes me wanna puke. Like in all our other subjects, all we did was recheck our latest exams. I got an 83% out of a hundred. For me, it was good enough.
After class, I texted Mum that I'd be riding with the Williams. The obviously let me.
While we waited for Mrs. Williams to arrive, we talked about random stuff, like we usually do. Then Ariana nudged me, very hard if I must say.
"Ow! What the hell, Ariana?" I said. Then she motioned to someone, who I just realized was Luke, looking in our direction.
"Shiiiiiii! Why is he looking here?!" I asked them both, with gritted teeth, and a red face.
"He's not just looking here," Alliana said, "He's going here."
"WHAT?!" I nearly screamed.
"Closer . . ." Ariana said, making my heart beat faster.
"And Closer . . ." Alliana said, making my heart beat even faster, making me realize someone was behind me.
"Hey Mia." Luke said. Shit! My heart stopped beating. The twins looked at me and told me to turn around and look him in the eye.
"H-hi Luke" I said, with a shaky voice, and a jumping heart. Is Luke talking to me? Since when did he even bother going near me?
"Can I uh, talk to you for a sec?" he asked me, his voice shaking. I nodded and motioned for him to begin talking. "In private, Mia?" I looked at my friends for approval, and they nodded.
"Sure, Luke." I said, very red. Why can't I stop blushing???
We walked to a private place. As in besides us, no one at all was there AT ALL.
"I know we aren't that close but . . . " his voice trailed off after he said that. No way! Was he asking me to be his girlfriend? Nah, probably not even close. Better wipe off this grin on my face until he notices.
"Mia, will you go to the dance with me?" He asked me, as red as I was. Oh. My. Gosh. I. Can't. Breathe. Or. Talk. Properly.
"Uh..." I said. Gosh, I'm so stupid! Just say yes, Mia! Say yes!
"What's wrong?" Luke asked, "Do you already have a date?"
Pfsh, as if THAT would ever happen! And now, Luke Dawson is asking ME to the dance. Is it my birthday yet?
"Yes! Luke!" I said at the top of my lungs. I love this day!
"Wait, you have a date?" Luke said, puzzled. "What's his name?"
I rolled my eyes. He's kinda cute whenever he gets lost in a conversation. "Well, for starters, his name is Luke Dawson."
His eyes widened, like he only got it now. If you're wondering, no he is not stupid. He just probably was at that moment. "Wait, so you're saying yes?!" he asked, puzzled, happy, and surprised at the same time. I nodded.
"YES! THANK YOU!" he said, hugging me. I felt myself blush and everything, and I find it really weird how all of a sudden, he acts like he knew me since birth and courted me since my teen years.
I could have stayed in his arms forever, until Ariana texted
FROM: Ariana
Mum's here. You better explain to her where you were! (;
And I replied.
TO: Ariana
Haha! You better help me :P I'll be there now (:
No! I had to let go of Luke! Aw, well at least I'll see him tomorrow.
"Luke, I gotta go." I told him, sadly.
"Aw, that's too bad." he said. "See you tomorrow?"
"Yep!" I said with a smile. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and soon multiplied while I thought about that moment.
I walked into a car occupied by a smiling mother and screaming twins.
"WHAT DID LUKE TELL YOU?!" they squealed at the same time, resulting to another squealing Williams girl.
"So girls, how was your day?" Mrs. Williams said with a giggle.
"Great, Mum!" Ariana said, happily.
"I got offered an acceleration!" Alliana squealed. Which made her mother share in her happiness.
"You did?!" Mrs. Williams gasped "Sweetheart, I'm so proud of you!"
"Yeah, I know, right?" Ariana and I said at the same time, then we high-fived.
"Well, I have a feeling my girls aren't the only ones who had a good day!" Mrs. Williams said, slowly. I just smiled, widely. "Mia, who's Luke?"
Ariana and Alliana looked at each other. "Oooohhhh!" They said at the same time. I just rolled my eyes.
"Luke Dawson, smartest guy in class," I began, then Ariana cut me off.
"HEY!" Ariana said. "I'm the smartest person in class!"
I sighed/laughed. "I said the smartest GUY in class. You're the smartest girl." It was enough to please her. "Well, as I was saying, smartest guy in class, most athletic guy on the field."
Mrs. Williams grinned, "Football player?" she asked us.
We exchanged looks, then said, "Yes, how'd you know?" simultaneously. Then burst into laughter. And so did Mrs. Williams.
" Wow, he is," she cut herself off with a sigh "He's just like his father." she said dreamily.
Alliana and Ariana had wide-opened mouths, "Someone's in trouble with Dad!" Alliana squealed.
"Hey!" Mrs. Williams said in between giggles "One day, you'll have this conversation!"
"So, what's his father like?" Ariana said, still in between laughter.
"Smart, athletic, and everything else Mia said." Mrs. Williams said. I bet that wasn't how she talked about him in front of her friends. They probably used those 70s terms.
"Well, what was his name? Jack Dawson?" Alliana said, as we went across a poster of the 1997 film, Titanic, which was showing again. We all burst in laughter.
"No! His name was Liam." Mrs. Williams said, dreamily.
"Liam. . . Liam . . ." the twins said, echoing his name, over and over again.
"He was a heartthrob!" Mrs. Williams insisted, "If you don't believe me, ask Mia's mother!"
MY eyes went wide, jaw dropped, and we burst into laughter again. None of us said a word until we got to my house. We were all too busy laughing that my stomach hurt.
Mrs. Williams pulled off in the driveway, and I asked them if they wanted to come in.
We had a blast inside. They had dinner inside, too.
Mum took me shopping after.
As a sumary, today was perfect.