Imagine#34P4:The Princess and the Pauper-Robbie Kay

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Robbie's P.OV

Rosaline finally talked to me again.I wasn't glad at all.She kept saying that she was in love with the Prince of Xerxes.And the worse part was that she mentioned y/n helping her out with getting along with the Prince.

I was beyond confused,I was mad.Y/n,ever since she became princess,she was suddenly changing.She was no different from the rest of the noble people.I felt played.

I didn't know what got into me,but I didn't came home today.I went to the pub and I found myself drinking an awful beverage with the money I earned from the crops I sold at the market.Father would be so enraged.But I felt nothing.I was being consumed by the tingling scarce feeling flowing through my throat.

I kept on asking for dozens of rounds more from the bartender not knowing that I was getting a big worth of money short.It was almost midnight,I started to leave the pub even if I was feeling hazy.

"Hey kid,"called the brony bartender,"Pay up!"

I showed him my empty pockets and gave him an annoying smile.He grabbed me by the collar and yelled at me.Je threw me over the table and came to drag me out the pub.He would've just let me go...if I hadn't punched him straight to the jaw.

And so,a terrible fight came.These guys seem so influential.

At the end,I was dragged outside by a palace guard that stopped the fight.They were going to drag me to jail when they turned to a beautiful woman riding a white horse.

"Robbie!"So much for calling her beautiful,my vision is quite blurry.I could never be sure.She ran to me and gave me an embrace.

"Do I know you?"I asked with an unsteady voice.

"You're drunk,"she concluded.

"I swear to drunk,I'm not god,"I hiccuped.

She gave a sigh and then turned to the guards,"As princess,I command you to clear off his charges,whatever that is.And I would like to have your word that you would never tell anyone of my whereabouts...even if it was the King."

They were quiet for a while,but soon enough I felt them nod.I just laughed.

Instead,they took me home following the girl that lead the way.I was getting tired.

Once the door was opened,I could see everyone waiting for me.But first,they greeted the girl that brought me home.What was her name?Oh yeah,they called her y/n.I knew someone named y/n.Only she was prettier.And she's at the palace probably living the dream.

"Hello,everybody!"I greeted.

"Robert Andrew Kay!How dare you stay out late these hours?I've been looking for you!Where the heck did you go with the earnings today?"

"Relax,father.I just went to the pub to have fun,"I replied in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Why you-"

"Please,Ivan,"the girl cut him off,"He's not in the state of mind.And he's hurt.Let's just talk about this in the morning."

He calmed down.Mom just looked worriedly at me.And my sisters looked at me disappointingly.


Y/N's P.O.V.

It wasn't the sort of welcome I expected.But there's nothing I could do.It was a good thing I found him before he got to jail.

Robbie Kay/Peter Pan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now