Lincoln, Nebraska

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As the team waited on the return of the FBI jet in the airport, Hothner's phone began to ring. At the sound of an Officer's name passing the chief's lips, a groan came from the group.

"Don't tell me we're flying out already. I don't have clean clothes." Emily complained, leading to Morgan's commentary.

"Maybe there's a nudist colony nearby our next case, you'd fit right in." He teased, earning a chuckle from Spencer as well, which was a rarity. Aaron turned around with a sigh, sitting in a terminal chair.

"So?" Reid spoke up.

"Lincoln Police have asked us to help them investigate the murders of two young women. They're sending Garcia the files so we can brief you once we return to Quantico." He explained, tugging his jacket on.

"So this is a 'grab some clothes and get back to work' type of case?" Emily questioned, grabbing her belongings as the door to the tarmac opened.

"Yes. Lincoln need us as soon as we can get there." Hotch spoke, Spencer sighing internally. He had gotten off the phone with Lucy not even an hour ago exclaiming how he would come over to JJ's to see Henry. After climbing onto the jet, he dialed his girlfriend with a sigh.

"Hello?" A groggy voice came through the phone and Spencer looked at the time. It was eight thirty why was she asleep? It then occurred to him that Lucy was in Virginia and he was still in Nevada. Meaning there was a three hour time difference. Which meant it was 11:30 in Quantico.

"Shoot, Luce, I'm sorry I totally forgot you were in Virginia." Spencer sighed as Lucy's voice came through.

"It's fine, I wasn't sleeping well anyways." It was easy for Spence to believe her words, as she sounded incredibly tired.

"Discomfort?" He asked.

"I guess you can call it that. I'm just really hot right now, I would love a shower but JJ's asleep and I promised I wouldn't leave the bed without her help." She sighed, looking to the ceiling. "You guys on your way home?"

"Yeah. I've gotta grab more clothes and come right back though. We've got another case that just came in." A groan came from the young woman. "I'm sorry..." Spencer's mind was suddenly ridden with guilt.

"It's not your fault, babe. It's just... I can't cuddle with Jennifer." Lucy laughed a little, causing Spencer to chuckle.

"I know, I know. I promise we'll be home as soon as we can." He spoke, shifting in his seat as his supervisor handed him a file. "I've gotta go, Luce. Hotch is about to brief."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you, too. Get some sleep." He hung up, shifting to one side to tuck his phone away.

"Lincoln, Nebraska. Two female bodies were found around four miles from one another over the course of three days." Aaron started, Spencer reading his file, a shiver running up his spine. It was the first time an M.E. report affected him like this. But with a child on the way it was understandable.

"Both women were eight months pregnant." He spoke softly, Garcia looking at him.

"Yes. It's why Lincoln Police called us after two hours after finding the second body. They're afraid if this is serial that it might tear more families apart. Reid and Prentiss, I'm sending you to the family's houses, investigate any friends, family or co-workers that were a little too keen about these women's pregnancies." Spencer gave a slight nod, studying the report further. As Hotchner gave more directions, the doctor couldn't believe his eyes. The unsub was killing two people in one swift action. If that wasn't terrifying enough, these women had to have been constantly watched in order for both scenes to be in the victim's homes. Taking a brief break from the file, Spencer wrote Lucy a quick message, shifting uneasily.

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