The next day in 1st period, Brittany went to Oliver. "Oliver can I talk to you for a minute?" Brittany asked Oliver. "Sure." Oliver said.
"You and Sophie are just friends, right?" Brittany asked almost desperately. "Oh, uh, about that. I needed to talk to you about something too" Brittany nodded and her eyebrows flinched almost furiously. "I don't think our relationship is going to work out to well." Oliver said looking at his feet. Brittany couldn't believe what she was hearing. She shook her head angrily and said, "It was working out just fine until you set eyes on the new girl and totally forgot about me!" Brittany raised her voice and people started to look at them. "Well, she's fine once you get to know her." Oliver said. "No! last night was supposed to be the best of my life and you ruined it and walked away from me and forgot about me." Brittany said. "I walked away?" Oliver said also starting to raise his voice. "You walked away from me. I wasn't the one who went to the punch bowl and ditched." "First of all, I was thirsty and wanted to dance with my friends for a while and I needed to get stuff off my mind." Brittany said clenching her fists. "Like what? The fact that I now like Sophie instead of you?" Oliver said.
Kids gasped and said 'ooh' and Brittany had tears rising to the surface of her eyes. "Your mad as a hatter for saying that." Brittany said. "You chewed me up and spat me out just like that in a month. I'm done with this, we're through. BYE NOW!" She yelled and walked away.
Brittany heard Oliver said. "Wow, she's feisty just because of this." Brittany stopped in her tracks turned around and slapped him across the face hard and ran to the bathrooms. Peyton went after him and said to Oliver, "You jerk!"
Brittany got to the bathroom, layed on the floor in one of the stalls, took out some scissors and sliced her arm.

RomanceAn average girl named Brittany Pevensie is a 12 going on 13 year old girl who has a crush on a boy named Oliver. Her friend Peyton helps her get through tough times. Her mother gives her a talk. Will Oliver and Brittany be together. What will Britta...