36. Till death do us part

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"Sherlock, are you sure?" Lestrade passes a hand through his greying hair, exhaling deeply. Clearing Giulia's name is one thing, but jumping to conclusions and accusing the victim's wife is another story.

The consulting detective raises a brow with an annoyed face.

"I am. When I read Albert's last name on the report, I knew it couldn't be coincidental; the two of them were somehow kin. The next step was quite easy. Same name, similar age, almost identical hair colour: brother and sister, of course." He stands up to pace the small interrogation room. "So, ultimately, the only incriminating evidence against Giulia is a report signed by the brother of the victim's wife. Suspicious, isn't it?"

"Yes, but that would mean that Mrs Chadley—"

"Killed her husband," Sherlock quickly completes Greg's sentence. "We finally got there."

Donovan furrows her brow. "And how can you prove that?"

"Do you honestly want me to explain everything?" Sherlock sighs, but he is secretly pleased to show off a bit. It passes the time and dispels boredom.

"She is a woman that Michael knew very well, and he definitely would have hugged her, feeling completely safe in her arms. How naïve," he spits out, rolling his eyes. "But there's another clue: she is left-handed. I saw her sign a delivery receipt when I was at her house; I remember noticing the polished nails in her left hand. She perfectly fits the profile of the murderer," he lists methodically.

Lestrade fiddles with the pen and paper on the table, restless.

"She has some matching characteristics; I'll give you that. But it isn't enough to accuse her. You'll have to give me something more than her gender or dominant hand."

"How about a motive?"

Greg jerks his head up and gestures for him to continue, giving Sherlock his full attention.

"Michael Chadley had a lover and his wife found out that he was cheating on her."

"Was it just an act of revenge against her unfaithful husband in the end?" Greg asks, unconvinced.

"Oh, please, you've seen her. Does she really look like the kind of woman who would react madly, driven by uncontrolled jealousy?"

"Why did she do it, then?" Donovan inquires, still sceptical.

"Why does anyone do anything? Money, simple as that."

"Are you serious?" Donovan gapes at him.

Sally is not easily convinced of anyone's guilt. Unless it's about Giulia, apparently. She never questioned her involvement in the homicide, Sherlock reflects, wrinkling his nose at her bias.

"We are talking about a large sum of money here. Tens of millions, judging by the dimensions of his empire," he estimates, leaning a shoulder against the wall.

"But she was already married to him," Lestrade bursts out. "She had free access to the bank accounts and her husband entirely supported her. You've been to their house: it's a bloody mansion in a residential area of London. She already had all the money she needed and even more. You're not making any sense, Sherlock."

"Yes, she had everything, and she was about to lose it all. When she realised her husband was in love with another woman, she understood that their marriage was ending. It was a bolt from the blue, given the document she had signed before getting married," he drops the hint allusively.

The D.I. needs to restrain the urge to slam his fist on the table out of despair. Having to put up with Sherlock's deductions and attitude should be considered a full-time job.

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