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Monday - the dreaded day of the week for all, starting from pre-schoolers to businessmen. And today was that dreaded day as well. I had expected loads of work waiting for me when I would go to my office, but I had certainly not expected an extremely angry Savannah in my office. As soon as I entered my office I was attacked by Savannah.

“What is the meaning of this Eric?” she shouted at me.

“What is the meaning of what?” I asked not having a clue about what she was trying to say.

“Don’t you try to act innocent mister.” She said narrowing her eyes at me, showing the fact that she was extremely furious.

“Whoa, Savvy! What did I do?”  I asked backing away from her.

“YOU…You did THIS!” she said showing me her cell-phone. My facebook page was open in it and it said ‘Eric is now in relationship with Mollie Sims.’

I grinned at the status and said “So? Shouldn’t you be happy? I finally got a girl friend.”

“No, I am NOT happy. What about Darien?” she asked

“What about him? He is my best friend and that is all to it.” I said lying in the last part.

“Yeah, sure! Best friends kiss each other and then think how hot the other one is. They blush every time they see the other one or start stuttering because they are thinking about how it would feel to kiss him again.” She said every word with sarcasm.

“How…how did you… know that?” I asked suddenly feeling scared of her.

“Puh-lease Eric, you thought that I wouldn’t notice? I know you since you were ten.” She said

“Yeah but Darr knows me since I was a fetus and still doesn’t know a thing about it.” I replied

“He is a guy. I am a girl. That makes all the difference in the world.” She said as if it was a well known fact.

“SO, why am I seeing this?” she asked again.

“Because Mollie is my girlfriend.” I replied

“And why is she your girl-friend?” she prodded

“Because, I like her.” I lied. I didn’t really like her in that sense. Sure she was good looking and all but she seriously lacked in the humor and logical department.

“Yeah and I like closed spaces.” She said sarcastically. Savannah was claustrophobic and hated closed spaces as she was afraid of them.

“I am not getting you. Mollie is a great girl.” I said

“Sure, sure, keep on lying Eric, who knows maybe you will actually start to like her.” She said

“hey, I kept on saying that I was gay and look what happened, I am attracted to Darien.” I said

She grinned and said “now that you know that you are attracted to that boy, may I know why you are dating that slut?”

“Mollie is not a slut.” I said defending my girl-friend.

“Uh-huh. That is why she posts these photos,” she said and showed me a couple of Mollie’s photos which screamed ‘I am a slut. Do me’. I frowned at the photos and thought ‘what have I put myself into?’

“So? Now tell me why are you dating this whore?” Savannah asked.

“So that I can remove all these unnecessary feelings I have for Darr.” I replied quietly

“UNNECESSARY?” she asked shrieking “are you out of your mind boy? No positive feeling is ever unnecessary.”

“Oh, and being attracted to your best friend is a positive feeling?” I asked

“YES!” she said “It is a positive feeling.”

“I don’t see how it is. I mean I am not GAY and Darien is… well bi, but, I am not supposed to have feelings for my best friend.”I said

“Supposed to…” she scoffed at it and then continued “who cares what is supposed to or not. Think out of the box, Eric. And come on boy, I don’t see why you are fighting it. I mean that boy is absolutely gorgeous. If I wasn’t in love with Cameron then I would probably be dating him. Who cares if he is four years younger than me and four years older than you?” she said the last part nudging me

“Which part of I AM NOT GAY don’t you get? Plus I don’t care about the age difference.” I asked

“I never said that you were gay. Only you ever said that to your father.” She said

“Then what are you implying?” I asked

“I am not implying anything Eric, what I am trying to say that if you are in love… uh… I mean like someone you should act upon it and not try to drive that feeling away by getting yourself a slutty girlfriend.” Savannah said

“I don’t like him like that I am only attracted to him.” I said

“It’s the same thing.” She said dismissing the subject.

“No it is not. The attraction will go away.” I said “and I am straight.”

“That’s what you think Eric. I bet you thirty bucks that it will only become stronger and you guys would end up dating. You are only delaying the process. And I doubt that you are straight Eric. Straight people don’t have such feelings for the people belonging to the same gender” She said confidently.

“I am straight.” I said

“What’s with you proclaiming your sexual-orientation? Last week it was ‘I am gay’ this week it is ‘I am straight’. You know what I think? I think that you are bi. Plus being bi does have its advantage, after all you can get best of both worlds.” Savannah said.

I rolled my eyes at her fantasy and asked her a question avoiding my sexuality as I was pretty sure that I am straight “if you are so sure that we would end up together then why on the earth are you being so pushy?”

“Uh…that’s because I want to see two handsome boys kissing each other. I already missed the first show. Seeing that you blush every time I mention it, it must have been a hell of a show” she said as I blushed furiously.

“I bet that it was so good that you even compare Mollie’s kiss with Darien’s every time you and your slut of a girl friend kiss.” She said nodding and I stared at her as if she had grown an extra head.

“How… how… the hell did you know that I compared them?” I asked in awe.

“Boy you so like Darien. So just admit it!” she said and then after a moment or two she again asked “wont your dad read your status in facebook?”

“Nah… he isn’t in facebook. He hates the site.” I replied

“Oh, is that so? Your dad is weird.” She replied

“He is sixty eight. What else do you expect from him?” I asked and like that she dropped the subject of me and Darien and we did what we were supposed to do in the office, which is work.

A/N: I bet all the things I have that Savannah would win thirty bucks. Tell me what you think.

Anyhow, I have finished the sixth chapter and am posting it so quickly because of your comments

So, if you want such frequent updates comment and don’t forget to vote and fan.

This chapter is dedicated to mis-4-2n8 because I love her stories and vediogamer123.

pic on the side is of savannah

Love you all,

IW (impulsivewriter)

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