Hey I don't think any apology is big enough to show how sorry I am that I haven't updated in a few months :( I feel terrible. I was extremely sick for 3 months so that threw my life off balance but now I am better :) But I've been busy and kind of forgot about my story so I am so sorry. But summer break is near and I'll be able to update a ton over the summer!! :)
Tris's POV:
I slide my books into my desk.
"Uriah," Tori calls from the roll sheet.
"Here!" says a boy building a paper airplane with a test.
"Lauren," she says.
"Here," Lauren giggles from the back of the class. She twirls her hair dreamily as she stares at the back of a boys head.
The boy rolls his eyes and looks over at me. I blush and turn away as Tori finishes calling roll.
Christina leans over to me and whispers, "Not many girls catch Four's eye."
"Oh," I say surprised.
"I'm Christina by the way," she smiles.
"Oh I'm Tris, but you already knew that," I say.
"Do we have any more classes together?" she asks. "Let me see your schedule."
I pass my schedule to her and she looks over it.
"Yay!! We have math and gym together!" she exclaims.
"Cool! I'm gonna need some help navigating this school," I say.
"Yeah I could show you around," she offers.
"That would be great," I say relieved.