Nuriye's POV
The war raged on.
Mangled bodies littered the ground, the stench of death....heavy in the air.
Queen Nuriye cut down those in her path with Isana by her side. She concentrated on the enemy, ignoring the sounds of breaking bones and the splatter of blood as her blades cut through their bodies.
Nuriye at first failed to notice the hazy form heading towards them but her attention was tugged away as everyone began to run away from the unkown creature. Screams of confusion and fear rang out from both sides.
"Kate!" Isana yelled.
Nuriye spun around, her eyes widening as she caught sight of her.
Kate slowly made her way towards them. Her eyes, pitch black stared ahead blankly. The outer edges of her form were hazy, smoke-like tendrils of magic reaching out in an attempt to burst out of its confinements.
It was at the moment in which Nuriye felt fear.
She spun to face Isana. "Call for retreat!"
Isana glanced at Kate but turned to run away. "Retreat!"
Then the whole world froze.
Nurirye stood unmoving, one hand reaching out to Kate. She tried to move her limbs but to no avail. A small gasp escaped from her lips as she barely moved them. From her vantage point she could see the still forms of everyone else, many frozen midstride, their eyes wide with horror. And yet Kate still walked on.
She tried calling out her magic as Kate neared but horror settled in as she realized that she couldn't feel her magic. There was nothing.
She blinked and suddenly Kate was standing in front of her. Her heart thundered in her chest as those blank pitch black eyes bore into hers. Slowly Kate tilted her head to the side, a small smile pulling at her lips. "Nuri. My burning Queen." It was a mere whisper, small and frail. Kate reached out to tuck a stray curl behind her ear.
Nuriye's eyes widened. "Cedric?"
"I'm sorry." Slowly Kate...or whatever it was now slowly stepped away.
Nuriye's gaze settled on Adriss who stood on the other side, unaffected by whatever had overtaken the rest. Eloise ignored her, instead focusing on Kate with narrowed eyes. "Why...must you always turn your back to me?" Her voice broke and the façade fell, revealing an expression twisted with agony and betrayal.
Silence filled the space between them.
Adriss stepped forward. "Aren't you going to say anything? Answer me!"
"I have always loved you sister and I always will." Kate slowly extended her hands, palms facing out. "But what you have done is wrong. And you need to answer for your misdeeds. I'm sorry I wasn't a better brother but maybe I can do something to make things right."
"Wait!" Adriss cried out. "St-!"
The resulting explosion of light temporarily blinded Nuriye and the force that came right after knocked her on her back. She blinked multiple times in an attempt to regain her sight. As everything became more clear she could now make out the faint outlines of white luminous balls of lights flying in the air.
Her muscles protested as she slowly sat up. She watched in astonishment as the waves and waves of souls burst from Kate. She couldn't see Adriss anywhere and everyone else was also on the ground, starting to shift.
The freed souls flew through the air and began to sweep down, flying through everyone in its path. Nuriye didn't have a chance to react as one flew at her.
Visions plagued her mind and she fell back to the ground, writhing in agony as they consumed her. She saw everything.
She saw herself standing alongside Cedric, discussing the peace treaty. She saw how both sides were restless and unease...something that decreased with the approach of the signing of the peace treaty. She saw the hope and the promise of an new incoming age.
She saw how Adriss took a dagger and stabbed her own brother while he had his back to her. Nuriye was never told how he died...she never got to see his ashes. The visions kept flashing by following everything that Adriss had done. She had created Bellator de Lux and recruited everyone for the purpose of destroying those whom she deemed to be less than her. She linked her own lifeline with Nuriye's with the sole purpose of guaranteeing that they both couldn't die from an outside force.
Everyone else saw the same visions. And they saw the multitude of lives that she took over the years, including the infants who possessed an affinity for necromancy.
And just as quickly the visions left her, leaving an empty hole behind. Slowly she reached up to touch her cheek, feeling the wetness that stuck to her fingers. At some point she had begun crying.
She surveyed the scene before her, taking note of those who had fainted from the mental invasion. Painfully she rose on her knees, noticing that her magic was still drained. She felt so empty.
Kate laid in the center of it all, quietly still.
Nuriye stared at her, fearing the worst but when Kate began shifting she let out a breath in relief. Slowly she began to drag herself towards her when she noticed movement from the corner of her eye.
Adriss sluggishly stood on her feet, chest heaving with rage. Fluorescent blue eyes zeroed in on Kate and Adriss began to move towards, slowly gaining more speed.
Kate's POV
Kate felt like every single bone in her body had been broken. Multiple times. Her mind felt muddled and she struggled at the confusion that overwhelmed her. The first thing she noticed was the smell of blood, heavy and metallic. Her nails dug into fresh dirt and she slowly shook her head, trying to make sense of what had transpired.
Horror overcame confusion as she was met with her surroundings, mangled bodies scattered everywhere. She began to sit up, trying to find if there was anyone who was still alive.
Oh God, did I kill them? What did I do?
The sound of nearing footsteps caught her attention and she turned her head in its direction. The color drained from her face as she caught sight of Adriss in bloodied tatters. Her expression was twisted into utter hate.
"You!" Adriss screeched, her hand snaking towards her. Before Kate could scramble away, her hair was gripped and painfully twisted back.
Adriss pulled her back sharply and threw her on the ground. From the corner of her eye Kate caught a flash of red speeding towards them. She hung limply in her grip, weak hands trying in vain to pry Adriss's fingers from her.
Adriss was weakened, but she wasn't deterred. "Adriss," Nuriye called out. Adriss spun to face her, lips twisted in a snarl. "There is no purpose to all of this fighting. Your brother never wanted this and he would tell you the same this. Surrender and take responsibility for your crimes."
"So I can rot away in a cell while your brethren scatter and taint the world? Never!"
"You need to face the consequences of your actions. It all over, just surrender. Please Adriss, I'm trying to spare your life!"
"My life?!" She screamed back. "My family was my life! And you took that away from me!" At the last word, she yanked Kate up. Her eyes squeeze in pain and she let out a chocked scream. The taste of blood intensified.
"You want this to stop?" Adriss quietly asked, nails digging deeper into the Necromancer's scalp. "Then come and stop me."
Nuriye narrowed her eyes, a hand reaching behind her. Pulling out one of her blades she hurled it towards them.
Adriss crouched down, eyes ablaze with defiance. Her grip loosened slightly. Kate took advantage and without thinking kicked out a leg.
Adriss gasped in pain as she fell to side. The blade whizzed by completely missing her.
Before Adriss could go after her again Nuriye ran between them, the other blade gripped in her hand and pointed against Adriss. In turn she pulled up her lips in a feral grin, black pupils almost swallowing up the blue iris in her eyes. She began running at Nuriye with her own blade in hand. Her long brown hair snapped at the wind as she made her way towards them.
Kate winced at the clash of metal as their blades met. She tried to call up her own magic but realized that she had none left. They don't have magic either. She realized as she watched the fight unfold before her.
They both fought with their swords. Adriss didn't seemed to be as weak, her relentless attacks were powerful although a bit hazardous. It seemed that only her will and insanity kept her going.
It was obvious that Nuriye was exhausted, her own movements sluggish and much weaker. But years of experience helped her in invading Adriss's attacks. But that could only get her so far.
Adriss managed to clip her shoulder, sending Nuriye flying back. Nuriye stumbled but quickly regained her balance.
"Look at you!" Adriss snarled. "You can't even hold your blade properly anymore. And you thought you could take me down?"
Nuriye panted, exhaustion weighing down on her shoulders. "Because of you I suffered of this immortality. I had to watch everyone I ever cared about die. And it was all because of you. Now I understand why I couldn't die...or why I never aged. Our own deaths are intertwined." Slowly she straightened, a sense of calm settling on her features.
Nuriye rotated the blade, pressing the point against the soft tissue between her ribs. "You have always wanted my death. Today I'll give it to you."
She then plunged the blade into her own heart.
A/N: There's 1 or 2 chapters left in this story. Thanks to those who have stuck around so far despite my lack of updating. I plan to finish this story in the next two weeks!
Ps: I'm kind of sleep deprived so let me know if there's any inconsistencies or spelling errors.