<Four Months Earlier>
I wake up to my loud alarm clock at 6:00. I play on my phone for a few minutes and do my streaks. I finally get up and I quickly get in the shower and brush my teeth. I go back to my room and get dressed.
I glance at the clock. 6:30. My bus gets here at 7:00 but I always go to the end of my driveway at 6:55. I finish getting ready at go to wait for the bus. Once I get on, I put my earbuds in and listen to music. I open Wattpad and start reading. Once I got to school my best friends Natalie and Hannah came to meet me at my locker. They asked if I wanted to ditch with them to go the Hannah's house and I agreed.
She poured us all glasses of lemonade. "Why don't we spike our drinks up a bit, shall we?" She said smirking.
I have known them for two years now and this is a normal thing that we do, not every day but every night. And certainly not before the first bell rang. Natalie will throw parties and Hannah will bring the liquor from her dad's room.
You see, Hannah is rich. Like loaded. Natalie and I, well, not so much. Hannah dates older guys, way older guys and Natalie has been single for about five months.
"No Hannah, it's not even nine in the morning" I said which I know I'm going to be persuaded anyways so I don't even know why I tried to stop her.
"Yeah, but that's the fun of it, right Natalie." Hannah said glaring at Natalie for her to agree.
"I know it's only nine but does that really matter?" She asked me. I wasn't sure if it was hypothetical or not.
"Fine, let's do it" I mumbled.
"That's my girl!" Hannah shouted excitedly. Her parents aren't home because she lives with her grandparent's and Natalie throws parties because she lives with her older brother who doesn't really care about her.
Okay so enough about them. We are all Sophomores and Hannah and I are 16 but Natalie is still 15. She is turning 16 in like four months I think. Oops, bad friend. I only know that because I heard her talking about throwing a sweet 16 party in four months.
We all bump our glasses together like we always do.
"Cheers to ditching school" Natalie said.
"Cheers" Hannah and I said in sync which made us both laugh. After about 15 minutes, we all were stumbling around dancing and singing, slurring the lyrics.
Hannah's phone started to ring and she answered it and said "Hey, is this the Krusty Krab?"
Turns out it was her boyfriend Justin. She had put the call on speaker for Natalie and I to hear.
"No, this is Patrick" He replied laughing, referring to Spongebob.
"WHAT?!" She screamed.
He started laughing even louder and asked "Baby, are you drunk?"
"What, no! Why would you think that?" She replied even though she clearly was. "Okay, maybe a little." She added.
"Okay, I'm coming over" He said. She didn't even say anything back, she just hung up on him.
About 10 minutes later he walked in and asked "Is this the Krusty Krab?"
He's cool, I guess. He's just really old. I'm pretty sure he's like 20. Natalie and I never really tell Hanah our opinions of him and she never asked so I'm guessing she doesn't really care.

A Call For Help
Short Story16-year-old Bella Stanton faces the usual teenage challenges, but soon they get a whole lot worse.