Chapter Seventeen

16 8 2

October 30 2016 - Sunday



(Song: Lie by CNBLUE)

It wasn't very often, but every now and then Harry would call me and ask if he could stay over. My parents loved to be able to help people: they always jumped at the chance. So every time I asked them about Harry, they easily said yes without any thought. They took to him extremely well. My dad thought that he was a mature young man, and my mom liked to compliment how handsome he was. Even my little sister adored him. Everyone really liked having him over. I started to think that my parents wanted to adopt him.

"What's he supposed to be?" Harry asked my sister, nodding at the TV.

"A cat," she said. I was sitting on the couch with Harry, in the living room. My sister was sitting on the floor, and a cartoon was playing on the TV. Bunny loved cartoons even if she didn't always understand what was happening in them.

"That's not a cat."

"Yes he is."

"Why is it blue?" Soft clacking sounded off from the hallway, and my mom walked in with her purse in hand and stopped behind the couch.

"I'm going to the store. Bunny, do you want to come with me?" she asked.

"Yeah," my sister said giddily turning to mom with a huge grin on her face.

"Then put your shoes on, please." Bunny quickly jumped up and ran towards the closet next to the front door.

"Do either of you want anything from the store?" my mom asked looking from me to Harry.

"No thanks, mom."

"I'm fine, thank you," Harry said.

"Alright then. Bunny, are you ready?" When my mom and sister left, the living room was almost completely quiet. The only sound in the room came from the TV. I snuck a couple glances at Harry, who was frozen in his seat as he stared at the screen. I was fine with just watching cartoons. I didn't really need to talk. It just felt weird sitting there not saying anything to each other. It was as if we were in the same room but in completely different spaces.

"What's up with you and Trent?" Harry suddenly asked. Harry turned and looked at me with no expression whatsoever. He had the demeanor that robots always had in those science fiction movies.

"Uhm" I suddenly felt like I was having a pop-quiz in my own living room, and I didn't know what to say. I was never one to think quick on my feet. I was the one that always froze up like a meerkat and just looked around at everything at once.

"Sorry, if that was brash."

"uh, nothing's up."

". . .Okay," he said shrugging his shoulders. He sunk into the couch and stared back at the TV. Why would he ask me that? What. . .What did he mean?

"Did he- Did he say something to you. . .about me?" I asked stupidly. I regretted my words the instant they left my mouth. I didn't want to know the answer, no matter what it was.

"No." There wasn't an ounce of coldness in his voice, but I still felt it anyway. Why did such a simple and harmless word hold so much weight to it? "It's just, I see the way you look at him. But it's none of my business, sorry I asked."

I tried to sit and focus on the show, but my mind went back to the sixth grade and brought up memories that I always tried to keep tucked away. Trent and I had only just met, yet he took an interest in me instantly. He was really sweet when we were together. But things were different then.

"He just wanted to be friends. We weren't dating that long, but I. . ." I stopped myself realizing that I was breaking my rule to not talk about Trent. I wasn't supposed to talk about him or us. I was supposed to let the past be in the past no matter how difficult it was. "We were really young, so it's not like we were all that serious or anything."

"You still have a thing for him?" I stared wide-eyed at the carpet. How was I suppose to answer that? If I said yes, then Harry could decide to tell Trent. Then Trent would think that I was still hung up on him after all these years. That would only open up a whole can of worms that could devour what little relationship I still had with Trent. But if I said no, then I'd be lying. "If you like him, you should tell him."

"No, no. He likes someone else."

"So. I'm saying you should tell him, so you can either date him or get over him. It can't be fun sitting in your feelings everyday. Especially when Trent is completely oblivious."

"He's not. He's just. . ."

"I just thought I'd finally say something instead of just watching when you're upset." I looked at Harry, and he showed the smallest resemblance of a smile. I wondered if it was obvious when I was upset. If Harry could tell when I was upset, did the others know too? Did Trent know? Did Jessie know? If she knew, she never said anything to me. Why did Harry say something?

"Thanks," I said with a slight smile. No matter how hard I tried, I never could understand Harry. At times he had the seriousness of an adult. And other times he had this nonchalant attitude that made it seem like nothing really mattered. Still, it was kind of nice talking to him. It was nice to finally be able to talk about something that I usually kept buried.

"You don't have to thank me," Harry said setting his eyes back on the TV. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was like a statue in a museum. How could someone that usually seemed so cold, suddenly seem warm? He must have cared at least a little bit, otherwise he wouldn't have said anything. I never would have guessed that he had a sweet side to him. He did a lot to try to hide it. But he showed it to me, even if it was just for a moment.

(Song: Jealous by Labrinth)

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