Third Person's POV
Splendid thought this is his last breath.
Last moment in his life.
But he's wrong.
Suddenly someone open the door and extinguish the fire using the fire extinguish and Splendid land on the floor.
"Thank you." Splendid said and look who save him.
Flippy save him.
He took a revolver from his pocket and shoot a Splendid like. Luckily It's not bulletproof so he's die instantly.
"We can call them shadow Splendid." Flippy said as he put his revolver back to his pocket.
"Maybe. Let's go we need to save someone." Splendid said as he broke his window and fly away. Flippy jump out of the window and run to save everyone.
"Papa!!!" Cub hug to his father's leg.
They are corner by Shadow Pop and Shadow Cub.
"Don't worry,son. We'll be save." Pop try his best to comfort his one and only son.
Suddenly someone shoot Shadow Pop and Shadow Cub at the same time.
They saw Giggle holding a shotgun.
"Thank you dear." Pop said to Giggle while Cub hug her leg.
"Enough that." Giggle said. "We need to save someone."
"Flaky hiding under the stage while Shadow Flaky searching around the stage."Come out you stupid rat." Shadow Flaky said while walking and holding her shotgun.
'I need a plan to kill her.' Flaky thought.' What If--'
Flaky have a great idea.
Meanwhile Shadow Flaky stop from walking and stare below the stage.
'I know you there.' She thought and sneek under the stage.
She saw nothing but the land.
"What the--" She was about the say when Flaky grab her neck behind and try her best to choke. Luckily she did.
"Your more stupid than me." Flaky said and she walk away.
Lampy nervously holding a axe while looking his surrounding.
He's scare to death.
But he try his best to not show his fear.
"Come out,come out. Wherever you are." Lampy whisper.
Suddenly he saw Shadow Lampy at the tree.
Lampy stab Shadow Lampy at his head cause to separate to his body.
"Well this is easier than I thought." Lampy said.
Shifty and Lifty was back to back while Shadow Lifty and Shadow Shifty surrounding them.
"What's a plan?" Lifty said to his twin brother.
"We can kill them together. Deal?" Shifty reply.
"Deal!!" And they separate and face there enemy.
"Nice try!! You have an ugly hat!!" Shifty teas Shadow Shifty and punch multiple at his face.
Lifty sneaking behind Shadow Lifty and slowly picking his pocket knife.

My Adventure In Happy Tree Friends World(Fanfiction Of Happy Tree Friends)
FanfictionThere was a girl name Anna.She really liked Happy Tree Friends and her favorite character is Flippy/Fliqpy.And also fan of Flaky X Flippy.One day,she printed her favorite show,notice a hole and suddenly a giant hand grabbed her inside in the picture...