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"Nala, get up" Abel says as he nudges me
"Oh my god" I groan as I pull the plush white duvet over my head, "My head is throbbing man"
"I don't think your head can even throb" he chuckles before snatching the duvet off me
"Fuck!" I shout as light from the window hits my face
"Get up" Abel says sternly as he holds the duvet hostage from me
"What time is it?"
"Almost two in the afternoon"
"Too early" I groan
I look down at myself in an XO t-shirt and scrunch up my face, "Did you change me?"
"Yeah, I thought your dress might have been a bit tight" he says nervously as he scratches the back of his neck
I usually would have been a bit awkward about someone changing me. No because I'm not comfortable with my body but because Abel had to change me because I was fucking drugged. Honestly, I find that very embarassing
"Aw, look at you being a gentleman" I say teasingly as I poke his side with my foot
"Get up" Abel says sternly again as he pushes my foot back down
"Not a foot fetish kinda guy then?"
He chuckles then shakes his head, "Don't worry about what I like and just get up"
"Abel" I groan again, "give me two more hours"
"You're funny, you know" he says with a fake laugh
"I fucking hate you" I sigh before sitting up, being upright only makes my head hurt even more. "Do you have something I can take?"
"Like painkillers"
I smile slightly before laughing, "Maybe like codeine"
The look on Abel's face is so adorable, he looks conserned and shit. I look at him back with a serious face so I make it clear to him that I'm not joking. I have my own shit at home but my head hurts too much to wait till I arrive home
Abel looks at me seriously then shakes his head, "You're something else"
"Do you have any?" I winge as I through my head back
"Yeah, but you ain't getting that shit" he replies as he shakes his head
"Why?" I whine as I roll my eyes
"Because your brother said so, and I'm not trynna make shit worse"
"Abel, please, Lamar is being overprotective, you know how he is" I protest as I get on my knees on the edge of the bed and bed Abel, "Please"
"He told me you've been getting involved with that drug dealer Hunter and shit"
"And?" I said now getting aggravated, I needed something and this dick weren't giving me anything. "You really shouldn't believe everything Lamar tells you"
"Really now? So you weren't involved with Hunter?"
"Well yeah, but you still shouldn't believe everything he says" I lay back with a heavy sigh
"You're just as stubborn as him"
"Don't compare me to him"
"Still stubborn as fuck" he murmurs as he rolls his eyes and walks out of the room, "And get up!" he calls from the hallway
"Ugh, fucking bitch!" I shout as I slide off the bed
I stand up and follow the sound of Abels footsteps out of the room. He stops at the big living room and sits down on the leather couch. His house is gorgeous, he is living life
"Thanks, I guess" I smile slightly as I sit next to him
"Hm, don't thank me yet, I'm calling Lamar"
"What why?"
"Um, duh, you're his sister, he should know"
"Know what? Nothing happened!"
"Something could have happened Nala"
"Abel can you just not call him because he'll start giving me lectures again"
"Nala, I have to"
"Why are you being a dick?"
"Oh have you started liking dicks again?" he jokes
"Erm, being bisexual means I actually still like dick"
Abel smiles and rolls his eyes before pulling his phone out of his jean pocket. This asshole is actually about to call Lamar right now
Abel POV:
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"Abel, stop! Don't be a snake" she pleads with me as I put my phone up to my ear
I ignore her comment and keep the phone to my ear as I await Lamar to pick up the phone, "Yeah" Lamar says as he picks up
"Abel stop please" she whispers to me
"Hey Mar" I start as Nala drops her lip and pouts, "Basically, I need you to come get Nala"
"Why are you with her?" Lamar asks
"Last night, after you left -"
"Nope" she interjects before grabbing my phone and hanging up
"Nala, give it back"
"Fuck no" she rolls her eyes before reaching into her t-shirt and putting my phone in her bra
"Nala, I'm not playing, give me my phone back"
"Get it yourself" she smiles as she slips the top off
My eyes land on her perky breasts that are being covered by her bra. Nala is sexy as fuck, I would have tore that pussy up already if she wasn't Lamar's sister. But it seems like Nala wants this shit when she does all this teasing and looks like that
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"Bit pervy" she jokes as she realises I'm looking at her tits
"Nala" I say before clearing my throat, "Stop playing"
"How am I playing?" she asks as she scoots toward me, "If you want your phone back get it yourself"
I look at the smirk on her face and smile. She doesn't know what I'm capable of. She's lucky as fuck that she's off limits
"Pussy" she smiles as she reaches into her bra and hands me my phone back, "Aw, Abel are you blushing?"
I roll my eyes and decide to change the topic. "Don't you miss dick?"
"Is this twenty one questions?" she jokes
"That was a serious question"
"Oh" she shrugs and moves her hair over her shoulder, "I don't know. Well I guess like just getting head all the time instead of pussy, I mean its good too. But... sometimes. Why do you ask?"
"Just a question"
"Well, Tesfaye, you ask very personal questions"
"Well, Taylor, you are still topless"
"Yeah. I like it better that way and I think you do too"
She winks at me before picking up the shirt and slipping it on. She turns around and I see her ass. Fuck, she's so thick
"I'm gonna have to go before Lamar comes here. If he asks where I am, tell him to go fuck himself"
I burst out laughing at her comment and point her to the direction of her shoes. She picks up all her stuff and heads for the door
"By the way, I'm still pissed you didn't give me anything, you asshole" she says as she opens my front door and stands in the doorway
"Do you want this dick?"
"Gladly" she smiles before walking out
Short little update, I have my english exam tomorrow and I havent even studied yet, but still gonna update lol. And fml I have maths on thursday ughhhhh