"Jess, Luke is here." mum called from the kitchen.
"Ok, cya after school. Love you." I rushed, pecking her on the cheek then rushing out the door. I hoped in the front seat of Luke's car.
"Morning." I smiled, clipping in my seatbelt.
"Have you heard about Ashton and Lara?"he scoffed, driving down the street.
"Well." he said biting his lip. I gave him a glare.
"Don't." I warned. He raised his eyebrows realising what he had done.
"Sorry, habit." He laughed.
"Better be." I groaned, sinking into the car seat.
"Anyway carry on." I gestured for him to continue.
"They broke up, Ashton caught her cheating on him with Scott Brown. He walked in on them having sex." It was no surprise, but still.
"Better yet, he was going there to talk to her about their relationship, and the conversation you guys had last week." he grinned. This made me smile, a part of Ashton actually believed me and knew I was right. The one question on my mind now is where the heck did Luke fun out all this shit.
"You okay Jess?" Luke asked, waking me from my thoughts. I realised that we had pulled up at school.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just lost in thought." I admitted, climbing out of his car.
"Oh, the English thing is due tomorrow, I've finished everything. Have you?" he asked, locking the car then pacing over too me. I nodded my head.
"You know you still haven't shown me the poem." I said making my way to where we usually sit, under a big gum tree.
"You'll see it tomorrow." he smirked, sitting down. I groaned.
"Hey.. uh Jess. Can I sit with you?" I looked up to see Ashton biting his lip.
"Don't bite your lip mate, Jess hates it." Luke joked.
"Hey!" I giggled, hitting him. I turned back to Ashton.
"Sure." I smiled. Ashton gave a sigh of relief, sitting down next to me.
"I'm so sorry." he mumbled. I just nodded my head. I didn't want to say anything just in case a big drama started.
"We haven't been properly introduced, I'm Luke Hemmings." Luke smiled holding out his hand.
"Ashton Irwin." Ash grinned, shaking his hand.
"How's your English assessment going?" Luke asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Yeah great. Lara didn't do anything so I crossed her name off of it." he smiled, this made me laugh.
"Doesn't surprise me." I added.
"I actually did the poem thing, and I wrote it for someone special." he chuckled, his cheeks going red.
"Uh.. Same." Luke said, his dare fixed at the ground.
"That's adorable, I know it will be amazing both of you." I smiled. Both of their faces lighted up, smiling so much making their dimples show. They both are extremely cute.
Argh, Jess! We established the fact that you no longer like Ashton for being a dick and You have to push your feeling for Luke out of the window.
Goddammit! I can't help it though.
I have to shut all my feelings and emotions down. They are ruining my life.
Next day
"Luke Hemmings and Jessie Sky, one of you please read out your poem." The teacher called, Luke got up from his desk, taking the piece of paper and stood out the front of class. Luke cleared his throat, sending Ashton a look that I couldn't explain.
"One day I shall Love,
The Angles who's heart you took.
She had been guiding you from above,
Waiting in line, leaving her on a hook.
She waits for your love in return,
So close, yet so far.
Her eyes cry of tears that burn,
Protected by a barrier.
She's always there,
But you never see.
It's not fair,
I want her to look like that at me.
Her smile could brighten the world,
Even through out winter.
Or how her hair is naturally curly,
Or how she is sweet not bitter.
Sick and tired of the lies,
She's walked out of line,
She's said her goodbyes,
For now she is mine.
Maybe someday,
She'll love me like she loved you.
But now she has captured your heart.
If only you knew,
She had been there at the start." He read, the class broke out into applauds, he wasn't taking about Ashton and I was he? No. Luke took his spot next too me.
"Did you like it?" Luke asked.
"Yes." I whispered, making sure the teacher could hear me.
"That's was lovely. One more poem left and that I believe is Ashton's?" the teacher announced. Ashton nodded, taking the stop where Luke stood just seconds before. Ashton was looking directly my way.
"Laced in white,
Loved all over.
Smile bright,
Nobody knows her.
There's a lot she has too hide,
Seems as delicate as a flower.
But deep inside,
Nobody can match her mental power.
Her eyes like the sea,
Telling of tales.
Of how she is free,
Success, never a fail.
A little boy fighting for her,
Shy, scared and in pain.
I'm not her knight in shinning armour,
But for her I'll take on the rain.
I made a mistake,
I fell apart.
I turned fake,
I broke her heart.
There came a devil,
Now left behind.
The real her,
I couldn't find.
Hidden in a shadow,
Cast over the Vally.
Stuck in the dark,
Betrayed to often too keep tally.
I fell for evil,
Believing nothing more.
When the one who was legal,
Was right next door." Ashton gave me a smile, not breaking eye contact with me until I was in his seat.
Did they both, base their poems on me?
I'm not meaning to have a big ego or anything.. it's just.. Shit, I may have a problem here.