chapter nine

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"Did you see her break the salt line?" Kyle's dad asks.

"No, but she's the only one who could have done it.. she's haunting us."

"Mmm, but that doesn't mean it was her."

"You think we have another ghost?"

"I wasn't thinking a ghost, no. I was thinking a demon." An icy feeling spreads through my bones.

"A demon?? Are you sure?"

"Not a hundred percent, no, but it could be a possibility." I nod.

"So, what do we do?"

"Nothing yet. Since you don't know what you're up against, it could make things worse."

"But, what if it hurts someone, then what?"

"Then you take action, but not before."

"Okay." He turns around and digs through a chest.

"Here, take these with you." He hands me a thick black book, white candles, and a white sage stick.

"What do I do with the sage?"

"Burn it and go around your house, purify each room, and light candles in the rooms with the most negative energy, white is a peaceful, kind color, so it should combat the negativity."

"And if it doesn't?"

"Come back here and we'll figure out what to do next."


"You think it'll work??" Kayla asks.

"I don't know, I hope so.."

"Well.. let's get started then, because there's no way we can do this when mom and dad are home."


"Should we stay together or should we split up? I think we'd get done quicker if we split up."

"We need to stay together. It may not be safe to split up."

"Cassie, come on, she's a little girl, she's never hurt us before, so..."

"Kyle's dad thinks there's something else here besides the little girl."

"Like another ghost?" I shake my head.

"No, a demon. That's the point of the sage and candles."

"A demon? But... how would a demon have gotten in?"

"I'm not sure.. I mean, how did the little girl get in?"

"Because we let her in."

"No, I mean like into our world. I think If we figure that out, we'll figure out where this demon came from, if there is a demon."

"Okay, that could be a good start, unless the girl and the demon didn't come from the same place."

"That's another thing. But before we do anything else, we need to purify the house. Get the salt and start making salt lines outside all the doorways, and then put a circle of salt around all the beds and furniture."

"On it." We go through the house, purifying, salting, and lighting candles. "What do we tell mom and dad?"

"Nothing right now, seeing as we aren't even sure what's going on yet."

"What if mom sweeps the salt up, or what if Duke licks it up, what if dad walks through it and breaks one or more of the lines?"

"We'll deal with that if we have to."


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