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Travis had left Zane after one last comforting hug. By this time Zane had completely forgotten Gene and had his full attention on Travis. His face was red and his mind was racing.

"Ugh! Why did I ask him to stay!?" Zane shouted as he tangled his hands in is black hair.

"To make it better I even cried on him!" He said sarcastically. Zane groaned and flopped down on his bed.

On the other hand, Travis was at home captivated by Zane's squishy, adorable, freckled, face. God, if he wasn't sure about his feeling for Zane, now he was.

He was absolutely in love with the that antisocial emo nerd.

But, that thought got moved to the back of his mind as he recalled the whole run-in with Gene. It was horrible to think one bad relationship would have such a long- term effect on Zane.

Didn't he change? Why was he suddenly trying to get under Zane's skin?

Travis ended up calling Aphmau. If Gene was going to do something like this then she should know.

"Hey Aph? Are you busy?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just need to talk to you about something."

"It's about Gene... He um-"

"Wait- WHAT!"
Maggie: I hope you enjoyed this chapter n stuff I-
Some random reader: don't you dare! Your only 200 words in! If you end here I will smack you!
Maggie: I'll just keep writing...

"Yes that's right! Gene was helping us!" Aphmau said joyfully to the Travis that was now in her house.

"How? By scaring bringing up things that should not have been brought up!?" Travis exclaimed.

"No, just think of this as a story or fanfiction if you will. By having something like this happen you were able to protect Zane, strengthening your bond!" She said. Travis felt like he was just in some cheesy romance story written by a fangirl.

Maggie: wink wonk.

"So, is gene just going to keep doing this and potential mentally hurt Zane?" Travis was a bit irritated by the situation. 

"I said Gene was helping us. Past tense. Gene has done his part, now we see how the rest plays out." Travis sighed in relief.

"I wouldn't dream of putting Zane though anymore emotional pain. Telling gene to do what he did made me feel horrible..."

Aphmau and Travis talk for a little while longer before Travis finally went home. After a long day of doing whatever Travis did he was tired so he immediately fell asleep. Like, as soon as his body collided with the soft blankets he fell into a deep sleep, as if dead, but not because he was breathing but he was also sleeping without a blanket on his so he would probably wake up in the middle of the night to cover his body before sleeping peacefully dreaming of-

Zane: are you just writing useless stuff to get to 1000 words?


Speaking of Zane! He was crying like a baby!

Zane: NO!

Fine... Zane was in his bed with his arms hugged to his chest, trying to sleep. Everything was quiet aside from small breaths Zane took in.

He felt lonely.

He wanted someone there.

He wanted someone to hold him and just stay there.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

To make up for that feeling he kept his arms rapped around his small figure. Trying to get any sense of what it felt like to be held by someone who loves you.

It was strange to have that feeling again, after years of being content with how he currently was. The only time he could recall feeling this was was after him and Gene had broken up.

It was confusing. What caused this?

Was it what Gene did or what Travis did?

Zane stopped thinking about it and took a deep breath. He laid on his be for another couple minutes before he found himself drifting off.
"Why did Gene get to do it and not me! I volunteered and she chose him instead!"

"Neither of us had what they had in high school. You doing it instead of Gene would make no sense. I think you're just over-reacting now."

"Ugh! You just don't understand!"

"Yeah, whatever."
Maggie: now I'm done. This is the actual end of the chapter.
Haha lol I didn't even reach my goal
727 words.

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