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"And stretch to the left

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"And stretch to the left. Now stretch to the right," Rob instructed; his tone overly-cheerful. He had a plastic smile on his face like the trainers on those lame work-out DVDs that promise you 'more ab, less flab'.

Rob had been delighted with the honour of instructing the Senior Swim 'n' Slim work out class. Elderly women –and even a couple of men- were in the indoor exercise pool, mimicking Rob's actions. As soon as I saw the scene, I raced back to the locker rooms, grabbed my phone and instantly started filming some gold footage.

"This is so going on YouTube," I announced.

"Remember to tag the Aquatic Centre," Dean said, seemingly more amused than pissed that I was on my phone on duty. He casually sipped from his Styrofoam cup as he passed, but before he disappeared he added, "And if I catch you with your phone again, a terrible 'accident' may occur to it."

I knew his chill attitude was too good to last.

"Five more seconds," I hollered. This was way too good to pass up.

"Arms out, everyone! And washing machine," Rob instructed, spinning with his arms spread.

"Washing machine!" I mimicked.

Rob instantly stopped his circular motions, gave a sarcastic expression of amusement and flipped me the finger, scoring a few outraged gasps from the women. Realising that he was still in the middle of a class, he smiled sheepishly.

"My apologies, ladies," he said. "Okay, let's move on. Hands out in front -great extensions, Mer! And floppy wrists. Yep. That's great, everyone. Now zombie walk to the other side of the pool."

Rob demonstrated the action and without looking at me, he jerked his wrists in my direction, an indication that I was being a pain in the ass and that he wanted me to leave. I gracefully took the message, put my phone away, headed out of the indoor section of the pool, and stepped out into the comforting burn of the sun.

Just like Rob had promised, work was pretty laid back. Since the incident before Christmas, there hadn't been any more life-threatening situations and the only sight of blood was due to a nosebleed caused by the extreme heat. 

Another unfortunate consequence of extreme heat was how all the bratty and demanding customers came out of hibernation and seemed to enjoy gracing everyone else with their intolerable behaviour and sassy attitudes.

"Excuse me." I looked around to see a man with an incredibly red face and zinc on his nose. "My kids would like some of those pool toys. Where would I be able to get them?"

"You can rent them out at the front desk for five dollars each or two for eight," I explained, pointing towards the direction of the entrance. "Or you can purchase an indoor pool pass for nine dollars per person, or a family pass for thirty. All facilities are available for use."

I was pretty impressed with the way I recited the information. There were no awkward pauses or hesitant moments of uncertainty. I sounded authoritative and confident like I was the man of the pool. Or, as Tess would phrase it, I was the merman of Atlantis.

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