Author's Note

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Hi guys! First off I just wanna say that I am SO SORRY for not updating a lot. I know I've been leaving major gaps in my story Humanity's a Fragging Glitch. I do have a reason tho! While writer's block is part of the problem the other part is school. As much as it pains me to say is more important that writing and the reason I haven't been updating a lot is because of my school work. But I soon as summer begins I'm putting metal to the pedal! I also want to thank all of my loyal readers who have tolerated my lack of updating and have stuck with my story. You guys are awesome! I promise I'm going to update frequently come summer and you guys won't be disappointed!

Ok, so if you haven't read the description this is something I've wanted to do for a while now. It's basically just gonna be me posting some Transformers music videos, pictures, and just sharing my theories and opinions. Like the title says this is Fangirl Central Transformers Edition. So post anything you want on here (appropriate things of course, Soundwave and Prowl will be checking periodically).

PM me if you find a video or pic that you want on here. I'm open to pretty much anything. that we have all that aside...GRAB YOUR CHOCOLATE, TISSUES, AND PILLOW CAUSE THIS STORY IS GONNA ROCK YOUR UNIVERSE!

Fangirl Central (Transformers Edition)Where stories live. Discover now