"Wake up"

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Part 1
I lay in bed while staring up at the ceiling for hours until Mark comes and trys to get me up. Mark:"comon' Janasia get up please you have to"! Me:"Mark I love you for trying but "it" regects me "it" wants me gone". Mark: who wants you gone, who regects you I promise if you tell me ill beat the f**king sh*t out of them"! Me: "The world, the world hates me"! I say as im sobbing.

Mark:"What? Look the world doesn't hate you that's just you telling yourself that, the world loves you, so im doing this"! Just as Markiplier says that he pulls me out of your bed with all his strength....and Tylenol.

Mark:"Finally...your up now, Janasia im really worried about you, you didn't film another YouTube video in weeks, you didn't take a shower, you haven't ate, or gotten any fresh air now you are gonna to do a "collab" with me in a hour & im inviting Warfstash, Felix, Cinnimontoastkin, Wade,& Jack to cheer you up I don't like seeing you like this.Really... But im going to the store ok"?

As I nod my head in agreement we get a knock on the door from Warfstash, Felix & all the other guys.  Mark:"HEYYYY GUYS"! Felix:"WASSUP B**TH "! Jack: "Felix you focking idiot you don't say it like that you say it like this TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YEA B**TH"! Wade:"Sup B**th"! Mark: "SHUT UP WADE"! Warfstash: "Oh heyyy Markiplier"! Cinnamontoastkin: "hey Mark.....hey Mark's f-friend"?
To be continued....

DEPRESSION (Markiplier x Reader) Fan fictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora