I can't wait for this to be over, for me to finally get what I've been promised, what I deserve. They say good things come to those who wait, well I've waited long enough, and my good thing is within my grasp.
- unknown
Besides what happened with John this morning, and peoples reaction to my "finished" look (that's what I am calling my unwanted makeover), my birthday has been pretty uneventful. Although, I am a year older, and have found my mate, life still goes on, and I still need to keep monitoring the land to make sure it remains healthy. So that's what I set out to do after breakfast.
Originally my plan was to do this alone, and then head off to see Heather to tell her all that had happened, but Henry insisted on tagging along with me, which means that Heather won't really be listening to anything I say if he's in the room, so instead I decide to just drop in and say hello first before doing anything else.
Heather will probably appreciate seeing Henry this early in the day, this way she'll be able to give a real smile to all her customers all day, really its a win win for everyone involved... and hopefully Henry might finally open his eyes, and see whats right in front of him.
We didn't talk much as we made it to Heather's store, I was thinking deeply about John, wondering what he was going to do, and if he really understood what I said to him. I don't know what Henry was thinking about, but he looked pretty upset, and sometimes I would catch him looking at me, with an expression I can not seem to name.
"Are you okay Henry?" I asked him softly, and he blinked rapidly, like he'd just woken up, he looked a bit startled"Um, ah, I'm okay, or at least I will be" he said with a small smile. Now looking a bit nervous, which I guessed was for Heather.
To make sure, I made a mental note to look into his head when I got the chance. Although I didn't want to betray his trust, I also didn't want Heather to get hurt, and it's better safe than sorry right?
Heather greeted us with a huge smile as we stepped through the door.
"Finally people I don't have to smile for!" She cried
"Ha! Than why are you Smiling?"
"Duh Claire. Obviously because I'm happy you're here, to tell me everything I've missed"
Henry scoffed, "So I'm invisible now, your tellin' me that pretty smile ain't for me, not even a little?" He said with a smirk on his face.
Heather feigned a look of shock "Oh my, Henry I didn't see you there! How are you?"
Henry shook his head "Woman, your lucky the treats you sell here are freakin' amazing, because if not you wouldn't be worth the stress"
Heather gasped dramatically, "Hush your mouth boy, Everyone knows that my personality alone makes me worth the stress, ain't that right Claire?"
I chuckled "That's exactly right Heather".
These two never fail to lift up a mood when they are together, I just can't tell if this is Henry flirting back or just being himself.
"What Claire? Your on her side, two against one is not fair!" He exclaimed, with a smirk on his face, while professionally checking out the goodies Heather was placing in her display case.
I went to lean my back against the counter, and shook my head at Henry. "Tsk Tsk Henry, who told you life was fair?"
"And why did you believe them?" Heather scorned playfully
"You guys are too much" said Henry with a smile, and I couldn't help but start to laugh at our stupid conversation, and soon we were all shaking with laughter.
When our laughter finally died down, Heather bent down to get two pastries from the display case, she handed me a beautiful golden brown Croissant, and she gave Henry one of her signature treats, and Henry's favourite treat, a Cinnamon Sugar pastry. It's sort of like a Beaver Tail but thicker on the inside, and a tad sweeter.
"Thank you Heather, you are the best, your food is the best, one of these days your gonna have to teach me how to make one these" I said right before taking an amazing bite out the soft and buttery croissant."
"What she said" panted Henry as he stared lovingly at the pastry now in his hand
Heather chuckeld "I'll tell you how to make one of these, if you tell me where you got your new look from, because I know you didn't look this good yesterday. So it's either your birthday or you really are a witch, and if its the second one, I won't judge. I was actually thinking about how I would look with longer ha-"
"It's my birthday!" I quickly said, with a mouthful of croissant in my mouthHeather gasped, "What? Why didn't you tell me, I would have made you a cake, got you a gift, something. Why didn't you say anything?"
"I haven't been paying attention to the date at all, and somehow convinced myself that it was next week, I didn't even know it was my birthday until this morning, when I woke up and saw how looked, and then was confronted by the Luna." I rushed out
Heather sighed and shook her head "Only you would forget your own birthday Claire"
I just shrugged my shoulders, because unfortunately what she said is true.
"Well we've got to do something for your birthday, what does your day look like?" Heather asked leaning on her counter top across from me.
"Well after I check on the land and how its doing, I am pretty much free, but with John being here, and being my mate, I don't know how this day is going to play out, I have absolutely no clue."
"Woah woah woah, John is your mate? The prince is your mate?!! How are you not with him right now? What are you doing here? Go be with him!!!?" Heather rushed around her counter and started to literally push me out of her store.
"Henry a little help here!' I called out to him
"Why don't you ask John?" He mumbled darkly, and his tone of voice worried me, but I couldn't see him due to being pushed out the door, and I don't think Heather heard him at all because she just continued talking
"See, you'll get no help from him, so why are you still here, go get your man." Heather pushed. I turned suddenly so I was facing her, and held my hand out.
"Heather please, its a long story that I promise I will get into but, I can't right now. Please can you let it go, please? I pouted, trying to sell the puppy dog face.