Bloom | Pt. III

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It was the end of the school day and you were walking down the halls, books clutched to your chest. You stopped at your locker and put them away. You looked around to see if Peter was there, but he was nowhere to be seen. You frowned and closed your locker door.

You had a late shift tonight that started at 4:00pm. Once you got home you freshened yourself up and changed into your work clothes. You had a quick snack before leaving the house, a toasted sandwich to be exact. You fumbled around your bag and found your keys, then you left the house and locked the door behind you.

You made your way downtown to Sammy's, the familiar scent of coffee and the green and red lights on the sign came in to view. You smiled at the café and walked inside, you absolutely loved your job, even though sometimes you have to take the late shifts. It was worth it. You smiled at your co-workers and pushed on the small gate on the counter, granting you access.

You went into that back room and put your bag into a small Pidgeon hole, you grabbed the green apron off of the hook with your name tag on it and put it on.

You tied your hair back, washed your hands, then made your way to the front of the counter to start working.

Work was as good as usual, you were hoping that a certain brunette boy would come in for his coffee, but nope.

The café was pretty quiet at these hours, majority of the customers at this were business men or teenagers getting their energy hit for homework. It was nearing 9:30pm when your shift ended, you began to pack up the shop and collected your things from the back room.

You were the only staff member still there, so you were left to lock up. You collected all of your things and fished the key from the bench. The cold air slapped you as you stepped outside, then you locked the door and put the keys into your bag.

You walked down the cold empty streets on Queens making your way back home. Normally you would be quite frightened walking home this late, but you've taken the late shift so many times you were just used to it.

You were almost home when you began to hear footsteps shuffling behind you, you turned around to see whoever was there, but it was just an empty street.

You shook your head at yourself and continued walking, but then you heard the footsteps again, but louder at quicker. Before you could turn around you were pinned to the wall, a knife pressed against your throat. Without any words the unfamiliar man pushed you into the ally and you went with him, you didn't exactly feel like dying tonight.

He was breathing right against your neck and his breath smelt like rotten fish and vomit. You cringed at the stench as he spoke, "now, you're going to give me every valuable thing you have in that pretty little purse of yours."

"hell I am," you scoffed before spitting on his face. He pulled his arm away to wipe the spit out of his eye which gave you the opportunity to break free. With your free arm you smashed your elbow into his nose forcing him back, then planted your knee into his crotch. He fell to the ground dropping his knife in the process.

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He stood back up at came rushing at you with his fists, you dodged his punch landing his fist directly into the brick wall behind you.

"Hey mister! That isn't any way to treat a lady." A pubescent voice shouted from above, you and the attacker both looked up at the same time to see the infamous Spider-Man, in his odd looking home-made suit.

You snapped your head back down to see the attacker was still looking at Spider-Man confused. You took this as your chance to land a solid punch right in the middle of his face, knocking him out cold.

"Oh," Spider-Man marvelled. You put your hands on your hips and looked up at him, "I really appreciate the help Spider-Man, but I know how to handle myself," you smirked.

Spider-Man jumped down from the wall and stood in front of you, "fair enough" he replied. "Well the least I could do is offer you a ride home," he proposed.

You smiled at the proposal, "like a swing around the city?" you beamed. "Yeah," he replied, "up for it?"

"Duh!" you exclaimed as you excitedly climbed on to his back. You slithered your hands around his neck for support and cradled your legs around his torso. "Ready? Hold on tight," he stated before sending a string of webbing onto a tall building and flinging our bodies into the cold air.

"What's your address?" Spider-Man asked raising his voice so you could hear him through the wind. You told him the address to your apartment block raising your voice so he could hear you as well.

Even though the swing to your apartment lasted around 1 minute, it felt like 30. It was an unbelievable experience, the cold air felt warm and time felt like it had slowed down. Cheesy, I know.

He swung to the window of your bedroom and stuck himself to the wall, "this the one?" he asked.

"Yeah you replied," he opened the window and fished you through landing you safely on the soft carpet of your room. You steadied yourself and turned to the masked man, "thanks for the lift Spider-Boy," you smirked.

He sighed loudly, "Spider-Man," he mumbled. You smiled at shut your window softly trying not to wake your parents. Spider-Man gave you a two finger wave before swinging away.

You put your bag down on your bed and went straight to the bathroom for a shower, you stripped your clothes and stepped in. You turned on the water and let out a deep breath at the warm water ran down the back of your head and back.

Once you finished your shower you got dressed, brushed your teeth, etc. then hopped in bed. You put your phone on charge and placed it on your bedside table making sure your alarm was set, then you fluffed your pillow and cuddled it to the side of your head; immediately falling into a deep sleep.


You slowly awakened from your sleep, light piercing through your windows. Confusion washed over you, until you realised, you slept through your alarm.

"Shit!" you squealed as you threw your blanket off your body and jumped up. You grabbed your phone and you had 2 missed alarms, 3 texts and a missed call from Gwen and the time was 12:57.

You quickly brushed your teeth and hair, threw on black jeans, a graphic T-Shirt and a denim jacket, grabbed your stuff and sprinted out the door not even worrying about makeup.

You managed to make it to school 20 minutes into period 3. Yippee. You rushed at your locker quickly grabbing the needed text books and jogged down the hall to your class, you quietly slipped into the classroom trying not to get noticed, and failing horribly.

Everyone's heads snapped around to face you, including Peter. You Smiled at him and made your way over to your lab partner, Gwen. Gwen was wearing a lab coat and glasses; she was in the middle of mixing an array of chemicals together in the test tubes. "Where were you?" She asked.

"I completely slept through my alarms," you replied.

"What about your Mom? Wouldn't she wake you up?"

You sighed, "she leaves really early for work" you explained. Gwen nodded as a reply then turned back to the test tubes in front of her, "put on a lab coat and glasses," she ordered. You obliged then made your way back over to her reading the instructions on the board for guidance.

You and Gwen worked on the project the whole period without slacking off, mainly because she was a bit behind due to you being late.

Once the period was over you were walking to your locker with Gwen, Peter ran up to you and smiled "hey Y/N!"

You grinned, "hey Pete, what's up?" you looked over at Gwen and she gave you a suggestive look before walking away.

"hi, I was just uhm-I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie or something some time? I-I mean you don't have to if you don't want to! But i-if you'd like..." Peter squeaked while scratching the back of his head.

You chuckled and looked down trying to hide the massive grin that took over your face, "yeah, yeah I'd like that."

Peter smiled like a maniac, "cool."     

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