Part 7

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I went home that night with Aaron's stupid Latin in my brain. What the hell did he say? What did it even mean?

I tossed and turned all night, pondering my full life existence. I looked out the window and sighed before standing up and heading over to it, looking out. The night sky looked so peaceful as the days breeze made the tree branches sway. The sight made me feel calm and at ease from the rough week at school.

As I continued to watch the trees, a cold chill suddenly entered my bedroom and tore through my black "Stay Up All Night" tank and tiny black shorts that fell mid thigh on me unlike the taller girls. I grabbed my Gloomy Bear robe and tied it around me before walking downstairs to turn the air off.

As soon as I turned on the kitchen light, a pair of arms grabbed me and pulled me back, one hand over my mouth which I thought was stupid till I realized there was a rag over my nose and mouth.

I've seen this scenario before. I quickly pretend to pass out and lay all my weight against my attacker. He then laid me down and began mumbling in a strange language. The voice sounded so familiar. I opened my eyes quickly and saw Rae staring down at me.

"You must get attacked a lot, huh?"

I scowled and sat up, ready to deck him but then I stopped and looked at him, questioning the rag he had.

He laughed and noticed what I was doing.

"It's a normal rag. I was going to see if it would freeze but it was a fat chance.

You're too hot."

My eyes went wide as I blushed. I promptly turned my head away from him, my

long red hair, whacking his cadaverous face. I had never received any compliment before and I knew that was probably not one. But why was my body reacting like it was and was so happy? I don't even know but I'm not sure if I like it or not.

He looked so flushed as if he realized what he just said. His face was as red as a rose. He then held his hands up and began waving them.

"I..I d-didn't mean it l-like that! C'mon, P-Pyra! I hardly know you!"

If you didn't mean it like that then how come you're blushing and stuttering, moronic dim-witted mutant? I can't believe you. I bet you're just like the other guys just wanting to get the girls and have your way. Lemme tell you something infectious fool-born harpy. I'm not like other girls.

I stood up and pushed him out of my house before heading back upstairs. That's right. Never come back.


Ah. No school on a Monday. That made me really happy because of two things. Well maybe more but the main ones were no school and it was too warm for Rae to be out. But, of course, just perfect enough for Aaron and Mizuki.

I have grown quite fond of the two and acknowledged them as friends. They were not bad people.

The three of us decided to spend our Monday off by spending time in our town, Xiaha.

Xiaha was something you would see out of a video game.

Lights everywhere, busy streets, shops everywhere, and many other things. My favorite part is the monitors that are spread throughout that either play music or display ads for a product or the news. The music is why I like it.

I remember one time I hacked (with the help of an old friend) into one of the monitors and blared my own music throughout the town. People were ok with it of course because, well, it was just normal EDM music. Basically what Xiaha was made after.

As we walked, we noticed that people were scattering in many directions, as if they saw the town's well known gang, Ruby Vipers.

The ruby Vipers were known for setting things on fire and leaving their mark on children. They really were not all that scary but, you know. They want to protect Aaron from them so, he never really gets to see his town.

I looked at a little girl as her mother walked past us.

"Look, mum. She's one of the Ruby Vipers!"

I looked over to Aaron and Mizuki who shook their heads. Aaron walked to the mother and asked to hold the tiny child and of course, the mother was alright with it. Aaron then walked over to me and smiled.

"This young beauty is not associated with those heartless fools, sweetie. She is a guardian of I. The High Aeon."

I watch the little girl nod her head, her purple and blue hair falling out of her twintails.

"So, she protects you?"

Aaron nodded once before setting the girl down and fixing her hair. He then picked her back up and, using his fingertip, drew a tiny snowflake on her forehead.

"I have marked you as a follower and I believe your mother is one too. You are both very beautiful and I hope you both live beautiful lives."

He walked back to the mother and handed the little girl over. The girl waved as her mother walked away from us.

Aaron stood beside me and smirked, pressing a fingertip to my forehead.

"You were marked as a child too, I see."

I shook my head and slapped his hand before we began walking again. It's sad that now all I wanted to do was return home.

As we walked, we heard footsteps following up. I looked over to Mizuki who was whimpering and gulped before looking up at Aaron who was sweating.

"You Aeon and Aeon guardians can't let us do anything."  

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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