Theory 1: Atlantis and The Bermuda Triangle

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Over the years, hundreds of ships and planes have suddenly vanished in unexplained circumstances while sailing or flying over it – earning it the nickname the Devil's Triangle.

According to an outlandish conspiracy theory, the Bermuda Triangle is actually the Claims have previously made that an is somehow responsible for the frightening mid-ocean disappearances.However, it is now thought there are actually the remnants of a massive submerged city – 'The City of Atlantis'.

In 2001, Pauline Zalitzki, a marine engineer, and her husband Paul Weinzweig discovered what appeared to be massive granite structures using a video robot at a depth of 750 metres off the coast of Cuba, just within the Bermuda Triangle boundary

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In 2001, Pauline Zalitzki, a marine engineer, and her husband Paul Weinzweig discovered what appeared to be massive granite structures using a video robot at a depth of 750 metres off the coast of Cuba, just within the Bermuda Triangle boundary.

"Samples that we recovered from the ocean bottom have justified our structures that we call megalithic structures. The samples are granite stone, completely polished, with some incrustations of fossils. Fossils of organic creatures that normally live on the surface, not on the ocean bottom. This is very interesting because this is evidence that the whole surface sank to the depth of 700 meters (2,297 feet, or about a half mile down).

The area has been seismically active for thousands of years. And what we find on the ocean bottom are fractures from which the magma and volcanic ash came out. From these structures we were able to delineate a configuration of the land that sank because you can see them clearly. The land that sank is very obvious from our image of the ocean bottom. And you can see bays, like harbors, and it's all at the depths of 900 and 700 meters". - Paulina Zelitsky, Ocean Engineer, Advanced Digital Communications, Havana, Cuba

According to a report by of Terra Forming Terra, , the evidence points to the city being simultaneously inundated with rising waters and the land sinking into the sea. This correlates exactly with the Atlantis legend.

Arclein observes:

"At the time, uplifted portions of the Mid Atlantic Ridge subsided also including Lyonese and the home islands and land mass around the Azores. Even if that had not happened, this subsidence was amply large enough.

"This would have produced an orthogonal pressure forcing subsidence to either East or West. Since the ridge between Cuba and Yucatan is the natural point of weakness between the Gulf subsidence basin and the Caribbean subsidence basin, it naturally subsided deeply. The driver for all this was the hydrostatic changes brought about by both the original crustal shift of 12,900 years ago that I have called the Pleistocene Nonconformity and the slow uplift of the Hudson Bay Basin brought about by the ending of the Ice Age."

According to journalist , the city was first discovered decades ago, but all access to it was stopped during and after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately shut down the site and took control of him and the objects, in order that it will not come to Russians hands."

Using exploration submersibles, they discovered amazingly huge pyramid structures similar to (but larger than) the pyramids in Giza, Egypt. They estimate the Atlantis pyramids are constructed with stones weighing many hundreds of tons.

"Incredibly the ancient city also has magnificent sphinxes and "stones that arranged like Stonehenge, and a written language engraved on the stones," reports Fernandez.

The exploration of Atlantis, called Project Exploramar, is expanding to discover more of the mysteries of the mega-city.

Speaking with a scientist about the possibility that the ruins are indeed Atlantis, Fernandez reports the expert replied:

" the Yucatan cultures today is possible that what still remains of the aborigines of those places perhaps the Olmecs or some very primitive civilization of Yucatan, the northern part of Central America—originated according to them on an island that sank by a cataclysm. This island is called Atlanticú."

That too fits the stories about the sudden demise of the wondrous Atlantis. Atlanticú is, of course, Atlantis. The aboriginal natives still call it that in their history.

"They (megalithic stones) are very unique structures. They really are not easy to understand and I do not have any easy explanation for them in a natural geological process." - Manuel Iturralde-Vinent, Ph.D., Geologist, National Museum of Natural History, Havana, Cuba

The "ocean civilization" – later dubbed the Cuban Underwater City – has puzzled scientists and experts for years, with nobody being able to explain why it's there

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The "ocean civilization" – later dubbed the Cuban Underwater City – has puzzled scientists and experts for years, with nobody being able to explain why it's there.But conspiracy theorists believe it is actually the site of the Lost City of Atlantis and have theories for why it was suddenly swallowed up by the ocean and how it affects the Bermuda Triangle.

It is thought that the city was once a thriving civilization during the last ice age, which lasted until approximately 11,700 years ago. And according to the legend of the city, Atlantis was actually powered by crystals that are still sending out bursts of energy today – something conspiracy theorists say would be enough to down a plane or sink a ship.

Reports circulating online in 2012 suggest that a scientist, called Dr Meyer Verlag, discovered the crystal pyramid, which was 'three times the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza.'

Dr Verlag believes that further investigation into the secrets in the pyramids center could reveal more information regarding the cases of mysterious disappearances associated with the Bermuda Triangle.The reports claim that Dr Verlag presented her findings at a press conference held in the Bahamas, where she revealed the exact coordinates of the pyramids.

Despite these claims, there is no evidence that Dr Verlag exists, and no record of the coordinates she is claimed to have announced.


(This is the Second Chapter to my Research on The Lost City of Atlantis. I f you would like to know more about this ancient city. Please comment down below and vote for the chapter. It would mean a lot. Thank you - Alex)

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