Charlotte's eyes opened wide as her alarm went off, she hit the top of the hotel alarm clock as she sighed turning over staring at the ceiling "nope still here...worth a try" Charlotte exclaimed as she got up walking to the bathroom throwing off her clothes stepping in the shower.Charlotte let the water hit the top of her head as she stood under the running shower head , her dark brown hair becoming soaked with water, she lifted her head up with her eyes closed letting the warm water hit her face. A knock is heard at the door scaring Charlotte making her gasp with a mouth full of water, Charlotte coughs chocking on the water."hold on i'll be right there!" Charlotte yelled turning off the water as she stepped out the shower grabbing a towel and wrapping it around around her naked body.
Charlotte grabbed her glasses from the nightstand and walked to the door of the hotel room as her hair dripped water opening the door, Micheal was at the door as his eyes widened at the sight of Charlotte half naked in front of him both of them lost for words. Micheal's face became red as did Charlotte's as they stood in awkward silence soon Micheal's brother popped out from behind Micheal as his mouth opened wide "dang girl you lookin fine mmm" Mason stated wiggling his eyebrows at Charlotte blowing her a kiss.
"enough Mason , sorry to interrupt Charlotte we just came to make sure you were awake so that you wont be late for your interview with your new landlord do you want us to come back later?"
"oh no its fine I was just about to get anyways , uhm you guys can come in i'll just get dressed and ready in the bathroom and we can leave just give me like 30 minutes" Charlotte moved out the way her face even darker as she walked away repeatedly making sure that her butt wasn't showing as she entered the bathroom and closed and locked the door.
~Micheal's point of view~
Micheal sat on the slightly uncomfortable bed his face now serious and he sat straight "look you have to calm down with the flirting or she'll never come with us and stop going to the pool you know that the order sent out David and Daisy so if you don't want her dead or more importantly us than i suggest that you keep a low profile we still have to protect her and get her out of here as fast as possible" Micheal told Mason as Mason stared out the window sighing
"sure but isn't our mission to get her to believe us , what better way then making her fall in love with us I've studied mortal behavior apparently the females like a straight forward male to take over" Mason sat on the other side of his brother looking at him as Micheal rolled his eyes
"whatever you say as long as you don't get us caught you know the order doesn't send out David and Daisy unless it's really important this Charlotte girl must be big and so we must protect her , we swore to mom and dad that we would keep as many rebels safe as possible just like they did so I plan on keeping that promise" Charlotte stepped out of the bathroom making Micheal and Mason stand up , Charlotte was wearing a dark V-neck shirt with ripped blue jeans and black converses that looked warn out, her hair was in a messy bun she seemed like she didn't really care what she wore which was very puzzling to Micheal he thought all mortals cared about how they look but Charlotte was different , Micheal starred at Charlotte her eyes became red because of hunger and Micheal gasped as he felt something he had never felt before he thought Charlotte at this moment looked beautiful she seemed to have a glow to her that no other person ever had.
"you guys hungry i have some stake in the mini fridge if you want some " Charlotte walked to the mini fridge bending over grabbing 2 packs of meat looking over at the two men who were just staring at her , Charlotte looked around clearing her throat "so is that a no on the meat or a yes?" Charlotte seemed puzzled but then Micheal smiled "of course it's a yes also don't forget to drop some in your eyes so you won't has to walk out like you're hiding from paparazzi " Micheal chuckled trying to seem as relaxed as possible.
~Charlotte's point of view~
Micheal was acting very strange to Charlotte but she just shrugged it off as she poured the blood into 3 individual cups evenly walking toward Micheal and Mason handing them their cups , Charlotte dipped her pinky in her cup and dropped some blood in both her left and right eye blinking multiple times before drinking. Micheal, Charlotte and Mason walked to Charlotte's new apartment when they got there the landlord was already waiting for them she was a young woman very tall compared to Charlotte , of course Charlotte was only 5 feet tall so everyone seemed tall to her, the lady had ashy brown eyes almost seeming gray she was at a healthy weight , the lady seemed she was chill because she had her lip pierced and her hair dyed gray and black .Charlotte approached the woman with a smile on her face "hello ma'am my name is Charlotte Vendetta and I'm here to buy this apartment " Charlotte spoke with confidence as she held her hand out to shake the ladies hand . The lady smiled back shaking Charlotte's hand "Hello Ms.Vendetta I'm your landlord Celine Summers you can just call me Celine well other then the paper copy and payment the house is yours just come with me to my office so we can get you situated " Celine walked down the hall with Charlotte following . Celine's office was a decent size not too big it had a tv in it and a mini fridge which indicated that Celine didn't really leave her office much , Celine began to look through a filing cabinet humming a familiar song which caught on to Charlotte's attention "Broken by Lund I love that song " Charlotte stated , she noticed that Celine paused for a second grinning continuing to look for paper work "finally a person with good music taste in this building , well Ms.Vendetta here is your paper work you can sit here and finish it or go out to eat and finish it just as long as you give it back to me today " Celine said while handing Charlotte the ownership paperwork .
Charlotte spent all day signing those papers and talking to Celine that she forgot all about Micheal and Mason "oh my I forgot about my friends well here are your papers and the money for the apartment also first months rent Ms.Summers " Charlotte gave Celine the paperwork and money , Celine did a quick scan over the papers and put the money away grabbing a key from a room behind her office "thank you Ms.Vendetta now let me show you to your new home" Celine walked with Charlotte following. When they got to the apartment Micheal and Mason were still sitting there Mason had fallen asleep "oh your back Mason wake up they're back . Oh and you have the key great I was starting to get worried that something had gone wrong " Micheal sat up pulling Mason with him . Charlotte's eyes were lit up as Celine opened the door to her new home, they all walked in smiling as Charlotte walked around "it's perfect I love it !" Charlotte's voice echoed through the empty house . Celine raised an eyebrow "uhm you don't seem to have any furniture why is that ?"
"well this was kind of short notice but I still have enough money to get furniture, for right now all I have is a blanket I came with and a pillow I stole from the hotel I was staying at I'll go furniture shopping tomorrow "
"I'll come with you ! You know because you don't know your way around here that well " Micheal added stepping towards the two girls "uhm no Micheal you've done enough Celine how about you come with me it'll give us time to get to know each other " Charlotte said smiling at Celine
"Sure don't worry Micheal she'll be safe with me okay " Celine chuckled , Charlotte chuckled with her but quickly stopped as she thought she saw Celine's eyes flash yellow . "U-uhm yeah so I'm gonna head to bed now so Celine I'll see you tomorrow and thanks again guys for helping me with my clothes I don't mean to kick you out but I would like to take a shower in my new house now " Charlotte smiled as Celine handed her the key to the apartment and headed out the door with Micheal and Mason following behind her. Charlotte closed and locked the door with her back against the door taking a deep breath " house smell"
~Micheal's point of view~
Micheal let out a deep sigh when Charlotte closed the door as he heard her lock the door "okay good she didn't suspect anything listen mut you have to keep yourself under control I'm pretty sure she saw your eyes glow when you were laughing , I'm paying you to watch over her and NOT blow your cover " Micheal glared at Celine who's eyes were now bright yellow as she growled low at him "calm down undead or I might just do your little girlfriend a favor and kill you now , anyways she didn't say anything so it's fine " Celine started to walk off"oh and stop calling me Mut, muts are dogs I'm a wolf get it straight " Celine added walking off to her office .
"Ugh wolves I hate them sometimes too bad mom and dad loved them ...anyways let's go we have to make sure Daisy and David don't figure out Charlotte has left did you grab a piece of her clothing like I asked ?" Micheal looked at his brother "yup just like you asked" Mason pulls out a pair of Charlotte's underwear , Micheal's face becomes red "you idiot why not a shirt or something ugh whatever there's now going back now this will have to do let's go " Micheal walked towards the exit with Mason following
UneditedI know I haven't edited for a long long LOONNGG time but here I am my lovelys , so now we sort of know who wants to kill Charlotte but why would the order send their best men to kill a random rebel or is more important than we think DUN DUN DUUNNNN SUSPENSE , Otay love you guys
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