There are only 5days till we are supposed to get back on the Hogwarts express. Since our first encounter with Liza's training the dark Lord has been making it increasingly worse. They have had to move her out into the back yard so that she wouldn't damage the house anymore. The last time she was in the house she cracked three retaining walls and burnt seven tapestries along with flooding the rest of the room.
It has been said that the dark Lord would have something this time he came to power that he did not have last time. That thing is Liza. In their eyes she is the ultimate weapon equivalent to the muggle's atomic bomb. All of this training was so that when it was time to take complete power she would be ready to the fullest. Their idea was that if she was able to withstand more and had experiences close to how it would be latter then maybe maybe she might not die. There is no way I'm going to let them do that to her. Even if my life is on the line.
I hadn't seen Liza since her last training session and I was unable to visit her in the last month. Tears would pool at my feet every time I saw her because she was helpless and so was I. We could do nothing to change our situation.
"Draco!" My mother yelled.
"Yes mother?" I asked.
"Go check on Elizabeth will you. We have to send you to Hogwarts early this year. We have to leave on Saturday. Just make sure she is packed and not dead."
"Do you have any pity for her?!"
"No none at all. She is nothing to me. And you should not have any for her either. She is getting what she deserves."
"Mother how could you be so evil?"
"She is nothing. And you need to get her out of your life soon because you are getting married next summer."
"I can not do that. I don't care for Greengrass at all, but I love Elizabeth. So I can't respect your wishes I'm sorry."
"If you don't do it you know the consequences and you will still marry Astoria. Now go get Elizabeth down here we have two hours till we need to leave."
I did not reply I just walked up the stairs to Elizabeth's room. I walked in to a sight I was not expecting. She was deadly pale skinny as a tooth pick and you could clearly define every single rib in her. Her hair was very stringy. Along with all of this she had a fever. With little effort I swooped her up and apperated her to a muggle hospital in downtown London. I would rather have brought her to a wizard hospital but they are all under control of the dark Lord. When we arrived I placed Liza on the ground and went to look for help.
"Help....please help!" I said in panic.
"What is it son?" The nurse looked down at Liza. "I need a gurnie over here now we have a code blue!" She yelled.
"Code blue?! What is that?" I asked in panic
"She is in critical condition. We need to give her fluids and vitamins ASAP."
"Do anything you need to."
I walked out and apperated back home to pack her clothing and books for school. They had to have a plan because they would never have let her go back unless they needed an asset there.
Tile ceilings and lights passed through my vision. A lady in complete medical scrubs was staring at me and i think she was trying to speak to me but I was to weak to understand. She quickly rolled me into an area where four other people met her. I had needle after needle stuck into me plus they hooked me up to several machines. It was scary and I had no idea how I got there.

The Maid (a Draco Malfoy Story)
Fanfiction"You could have torn yourself apart. Don't you care?" He sobbed by my side. "Not anymore." Was all I managed to say This is the life testament of Elizabeth Toren. Starting when she is 8 and being taken away from her family Elizabeth's story will tak...