Pick a star any star
I chose the one that shines the brightest
Because the brightest one is the best, right?
But stars are like people.
Even tho the person might be bright
they might not be the best.
If we had a pick a star we would chose the best
And judge the other stars.
And with people we would pick a person
And judge the other people we don't pick.
Stars are like people because
Star don't all look the same.
And people don't look the same.
And the stars that look wired we don't like
And people that look wired we don't like.
So can pick any star
And you can pick anyone
Stars are like people
We chooses and we pick
And throw away the ones we don't like
And the stars we don't like
Are messed up
Are ugly
And don't shine like the other stars
Just like people
We pick and chooses people
And we throw away the ones we don't like
The people we don like
Are messed up
Are ugly
And don't shine like the other people
So be carful who you pick
The star the shines the brightest
might not be the best.
So pick a star
Any star
The sad poem book
PoetryOnce upon a time there was a girl Who is being torn apart maybe you never thought your path across these valleys or be the lead up these mountains but nobody can break the inside of me no one will tell me who I can be And the question lives and you...